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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Yooooos!(: Today got tuition sias. Not bored. Heh. Suddenly i love maths and hate science super much . LOLS . Btw, Just watched 'Despicable Me' at lot 1 . Hah. Nice show(: The little girl so cuteeee! <3 OMFG . Hah. Den had dinner at Pizza Hut . Lols. Den went home cous alr 10pm . Packed baq , facebook , watched tv. (: Wtfh lo . Someone login my fb acc and scold people . -.- Sucha idiot . Freakos . Lols . :)) . Omfg . 12am now , tomorrow must wake up early for school! xD. Sian . This coming thu and fri dad on leave, WTF. For what sias . Dont care . Lol. Wed and Thur got oral! Tmr i revise abit first . LOL . Must do well in ORAL . Its the MOST 2nd easy to score one . xP.Jiayous k. PSLE Oral coming soon . 20 + Auq, or 10+ . Lols . I think . LOL . Must revise! Do well for PSLE! Den freedom! Can even absent from school! Yayyy! xDDDD I want PSLE to come and END fast! Muhah . Okeh . Gtg, byebye. :]

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