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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yoooo! Third post for the day! :P. Now at Aunt's house, using her laptop . Uhhhh . Just now went shopping lo . Bought a shirt. For fun one. Cous i got loas of shirt.:P. Hahaha! Changed my template to CAREEEEBEARRR! <3 Heh. Just now had dinner at the HAWKER again . -.- This time, really sucks. While i eating, there's a cockroach crawl on my leg. Dam disgusting and ticklish . WTF. Im sooo never gona GO there anymore, if i do, i'll never be puting my legs on the floor. LOL . I hab WORSER phobia of cockroach now. Awwwwww. 2 more weeks for PSLE oral! And soon its Prelim , goodluck Shermaine!x) Tml got tuition. Awwww. Haven do the work . Maybe later gg home do ? LOL. Duno lah . Having holiday now yeahh . Maybe monday going JB. Uhm . Idk . Wed then start school . Kk. Gtg, bye.

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