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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heyheyouyou.X).Got back all of our results except Maths and HMT Compo. :O Wanna noe my results ? I know. Dam baddd!)): Ltr tell ue . Uhm . Todae morning got Teachers dae celeb. Quite fun ? :O. Lols. Wishes all teachers in KPS a happeh tchers' day. :DDDDDDD. Den had Aces dae exercise. Dance what JumpJam. LAME!LOL.I was stonning thr. Laughing at Raudza. For beinq so Hypr-active. :D HAHAHAS. Btw, yayyyy! tmr no schoool <3 Muhaahaa!((: Maybe going out with mummmmmmy!Ouhk . My results areee :
Englishhh : 65/100.
Chinese 83/100.
Maths : IDK.:)
Sciences : 58/100.
HMT 41half/60. x)

Nehhh.All so bad. Dam not satisfied with Chinese. -.- I SHOULD HAVE GOT A*. Stupid me. So many mistake. Dam!):

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