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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hohoho . Hellos . :). Today woke up at 12 . Sibei late . I know. Ummm, den textext , comp , bathe then went out to meet Danielle , Yvette and Keith. Exchanged our gifts . So bad siol Keith. Never buy me anything . Well, i didnt too. Ahahahas . Lol . Den slacked at Yewteee . Walked arnd . Followed Yvette . Uhm , den suddenly drizzling. So i decided to walked home first instead of following Yvette. :/. Den walkwalk , halfway at traffic , pouring siol . Came home bloody wet . Den bathe agn . Textext , comp . Had dinner just now . Den shower again . :p. I love showering . Lols . Den now down here blogging . <: . Okays , gtg liaos . Bye .

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hellos:).Woke up at 11 plus. Went slacking with Jody , Alice and Yuzhen. Misses them loads, my crazy girlfriends :D. Played abit of badminton . Den went mad with Yuzhen . Shouting like crazy womens. Hahahas . Den went double one minimart . Bought drinks. Den went court slack . Aft tht they going Alice hse den i went hm . Idw go. >< . Den went home , mom said wanna go bank . Den followed her. Ended up queueing up for her , -.- . Den take specs. Bought an iPhone 4 cover. Reach home like 7plus. Cant go yvette's hse. Sowwie. >< . Den texttext, tv . Playing with talking tom juz now. Really epic. Ahahaha . Den watching BOF now . Err , really bored. No one online at fb de . Haiish . Kk, done posting, night :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Helo,:).Today was a busy day. Hmmm , went westmall at afternoon with dad , sis & mom to change mine and sis's phone to iPhone 4. Uhm , sadly , out of stock thr. Den they said need go Plaza Sing. So went thr, reached arnd 6 plus. Bought our phones . Dam happy . But its using my own money. -.-. LOL. The plan dad pay for us lor . Haiish . Den went Bugis thr. Bought an iPhone cover and assesories. Spend like $50 on all of them. LOL. >< . Eheh , expensive sia . LOL. Den went dinner at a shop . Uhm , den bought Kappa sch shoes. Kinda nice. (Y) . Hahas , den dad drove us home. Used iPhone on th way . Fun lyk hell . Den update thingy . Nw charging. Tmr going lot 1 + Yvette's hse to exchange X`mas gifts. :D. Okays , done posting. Nightnight:)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Halos :D. Tday woke up at 11plus ... ummm . Den text text , fbfb , maplemaple . Umm , den msg . Whole day comp-ing ;D . Lawl . Yeahhh , Then night went Jurong Point . Bought a jacket and blouse . Den went Kappa , wanted to buy sch shoe . But den size either too small or big . -.-" . Haiish . Den ate ate th coffee shop . Blahh , went hm . Tmr gona get my iPhone 4 ;D (Y) . Ahahahas . :D . Okays , gtg . Bye .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hellos . Nothing do today , so here i am , blogging again.:)). Later going Bugis Street to get my school bag. Uhm, been posted to HillGrove , lols . Dewi , Danielle , Yvette , Jody , May , Yongsern , Randall all going there. Uhm , another 4 more years of them . Hahas. I got a feeling that im gona be in the same class as MAY YIP. O.o. Omg, lols. Uhh , tmr must go register dono what . Need wear proper sch uniform , 8.30am must reach , T.T . Awww , uhm, gona meet them tmr ! Yeah ! Miss Danielle , Yvette , Jody and May :D . Omg . Btw, school is starting , getting excited , but scared. T.T . New life , new friends . Scary teachers coming up. Omfg. I miss primary school life. >< . Haiiish , we're nw , grown-ups ? :/ . 13 soon . lols. Okays, i've done posting here , tonight mayb gona collect mah new specs , kks , bye ;}

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snows :D
Aunt,Sis,Me :D

Small villages.

A big snow , frozen :D

The panda we saw :D

Snows again .

Me kicking the snows :p

Stones. o.o

Snowy leafs . Lols .

Its snowing & cold like hell :p


Candid .


Look at all the snows on our gloves :D

Random TAKEN :)

Helloooos,;). Bored ttm ! Lying on th bed th whole day , rotting . Compcompcomp , tvtvtv, haiish . Nothing to do . Tmr results coming out . I think i will go to HillG . Haiish . Mayb no frens there . BORING. T.T . Uhhm, went to made new specs ytd . 100 plus dollars . Haiish . I wanna buy iPhone 4 . Its freeeeeaking nice . Im dam despo . People nowadays keep saying tht iPhone 3 very olddd . Wth , but iPhone 4 like alot of problems . Haiiish , hard to decide . Uhm . Nevermind , mayb dad oso wont change for me . Sua , gtg . Bye :) Btw , changed blog skin and song alr. Hope it last long , lols .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hellos, :D . Back alr . Had fun when go th snow mountain only , th rest all sien . :/ . Uhm , alot things happened in China , th most importantly is , my specs spoil , \m/ . LOL :D . Denden , hmmm , forget alr . Sick on th 7th/8th day bah . Till now . Just on fb , thousands of notifications , uhm . Knew tht zhen's acc kena hack . o_o . Wth . Okkkayy , ytd came back home arnd 2.30am . Tired like hell , den fell asleep till 11am den wake . Uh .. On 22nd dec th school which th go to will be known . Uhhhh , hope its greeeeeeeeeenridge . xD. . Lazy change blog song , template . Will do it when i free , andandand , few more days to school reopen . :/ Scary. Okkk , gtg , bye .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hellos.Uhm,didnt update for quite a few days , hahaa . Yesterday went watching Rapunzel . Uhm , ltr gona take cert. x]. Hmmmm , gona be a gud day today ? :D. Going airport arnd 10 plus , im gota miss facebook , my frens :D. 10 days siol . Wth . D: . Its like freeeeezing cold thr u know?! Minus 7 degreeeees ?! Wthh ?! Am i going to survive ? :D. Mayb , im gona miss th HOTHOT sun , yeah. Dk what th heck im talking oso . Rotting at home , waiting for 12.50pm to go and take mah cert , wakakaa . Omgomgomg, cant wait for toonight :] . Uhm , ice skiiiiiing hwaiting :D. Hahahaaa , okays , gtg , Byeb :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hellos.:>. Just back from outtthere :). Went shhhopping. Went to buy Sony NEX 3 camera for sis. Den bought a Converse high-cut shoes. Redddie ! Omg (Y). Den shocked to know tht , DANIELLE have the SAME as me. Omgomg. >< . Den bought jackets for mom, for overseas. Uhm, den 3 more days to oveeerseas ! 28 more days of holiday .. ): Uhh , cant wait for Thur ! 2am flight ! Wakaka. Late eh ? LOLS, Okok, den went eaaaaating, at near mom's sch . At toh guan thr. Eat noodles .. Den dad drove us home. Uh, starting comping. Chatting with Zhen,Dan and Nicole HALLS :D Okays, gtg

Friday, December 3, 2010

Helloooos . Boreed . Uhh , Zhen changed blog . D: . I lazy to update , HAHAH :D. Went nowhere nowadays . Addicted to Ms . Stayed at home playing. >< . Didnt go out with frens lately , tmr maybe going out . Hahaaas , Bored luh . Next thur going overseas , yayys. Alr Fri :D. Good morning everyone ~ :D . hahahas , like , neglected my frens siol . Rarely online at fb . >.> LOL. Okok , i'll be on . Donid write my name so big right , NG YU ZHEN! XD Gtg .