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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hellos.Uhm,didnt update for quite a few days , hahaa . Yesterday went watching Rapunzel . Uhm , ltr gona take cert. x]. Hmmmm , gona be a gud day today ? :D. Going airport arnd 10 plus , im gota miss facebook , my frens :D. 10 days siol . Wth . D: . Its like freeeeezing cold thr u know?! Minus 7 degreeeees ?! Wthh ?! Am i going to survive ? :D. Mayb , im gona miss th HOTHOT sun , yeah. Dk what th heck im talking oso . Rotting at home , waiting for 12.50pm to go and take mah cert , wakakaa . Omgomgomg, cant wait for toonight :] . Uhm , ice skiiiiiing hwaiting :D. Hahahaaa , okays , gtg , Byeb :D

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