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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hellos:).Woke up at 11 plus. Went slacking with Jody , Alice and Yuzhen. Misses them loads, my crazy girlfriends :D. Played abit of badminton . Den went mad with Yuzhen . Shouting like crazy womens. Hahahas . Den went double one minimart . Bought drinks. Den went court slack . Aft tht they going Alice hse den i went hm . Idw go. >< . Den went home , mom said wanna go bank . Den followed her. Ended up queueing up for her , -.- . Den take specs. Bought an iPhone 4 cover. Reach home like 7plus. Cant go yvette's hse. Sowwie. >< . Den texttext, tv . Playing with talking tom juz now. Really epic. Ahahaha . Den watching BOF now . Err , really bored. No one online at fb de . Haiish . Kk, done posting, night :)

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