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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hohoho . Hellos . :). Today woke up at 12 . Sibei late . I know. Ummm, den textext , comp , bathe then went out to meet Danielle , Yvette and Keith. Exchanged our gifts . So bad siol Keith. Never buy me anything . Well, i didnt too. Ahahahas . Lol . Den slacked at Yewteee . Walked arnd . Followed Yvette . Uhm , den suddenly drizzling. So i decided to walked home first instead of following Yvette. :/. Den walkwalk , halfway at traffic , pouring siol . Came home bloody wet . Den bathe agn . Textext , comp . Had dinner just now . Den shower again . :p. I love showering . Lols . Den now down here blogging . <: . Okays , gtg liaos . Bye .

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