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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hellos, :D . Back alr . Had fun when go th snow mountain only , th rest all sien . :/ . Uhm , alot things happened in China , th most importantly is , my specs spoil , \m/ . LOL :D . Denden , hmmm , forget alr . Sick on th 7th/8th day bah . Till now . Just on fb , thousands of notifications , uhm . Knew tht zhen's acc kena hack . o_o . Wth . Okkkayy , ytd came back home arnd 2.30am . Tired like hell , den fell asleep till 11am den wake . Uh .. On 22nd dec th school which th go to will be known . Uhhhh , hope its greeeeeeeeeenridge . xD. . Lazy change blog song , template . Will do it when i free , andandand , few more days to school reopen . :/ Scary. Okkk , gtg , bye .

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