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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Helo,:).Today was a busy day. Hmmm , went westmall at afternoon with dad , sis & mom to change mine and sis's phone to iPhone 4. Uhm , sadly , out of stock thr. Den they said need go Plaza Sing. So went thr, reached arnd 6 plus. Bought our phones . Dam happy . But its using my own money. -.-. LOL. The plan dad pay for us lor . Haiish . Den went Bugis thr. Bought an iPhone cover and assesories. Spend like $50 on all of them. LOL. >< . Eheh , expensive sia . LOL. Den went dinner at a shop . Uhm , den bought Kappa sch shoes. Kinda nice. (Y) . Hahas , den dad drove us home. Used iPhone on th way . Fun lyk hell . Den update thingy . Nw charging. Tmr going lot 1 + Yvette's hse to exchange X`mas gifts. :D. Okays , done posting. Nightnight:)

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