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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hellos. Today didnt go maths supp , fucking lazy to get up. So pon it. :D. Den woke at 10 , wash up and started texting. Den SA th whole day till 10 plus. Didnt even touch on my fking homework , die manzxc. Den tmr got band. 9-12. Luckily 3hr nia. But sad lor , fri 1-6. Nabei. -.- Nehmind , then today they ordered class Tee , Aweshome. (Y). Collect date on 7th June. Weee ! Then 9th June class outing to sentosa. MUHAHAHA. Ok can. Tmr must wake up early , night. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hello everyone , damn pathetic day today. :/ Woke at 10.15 , den prepared to go schl for the PTM. -.- Seriously , was fucking nervous of th results and complains frm ms tan. Den reached thr 12.10 , only got 2 to 3 ppl left. Den wait awhile , ms tan called. Den started shooting me. Say what my attention span is short, den always never put effort in doing hw. Den ask if i got do assesmemnt books and stuffs. Fck lor. Den say i vandalize table and lie to her. Zzzz. Den aft end, mum from 4th floor nag till bus stop still nagging. Cb lah , past alr still wan rake it up . Fk u lisa. -.- Den my results was a total bullshit. 2As , 2Bs, 3Cs. -.- hais. Den rank in class 10+/38. Improved. Den whole level is 59/155. In band 2 standard. Heng ah, den ms tan say my overall also good, very quite. LMAO. She must be pajiao one. Lmfao. Den talk alot crap. Den went lot 1 w mom , lunched , den trained back Yt w rach and kel , den went home and now here blogging, seriously, my results.. FML =.=

Friday, May 27, 2011

Yohs , today was fucking bored, and then fun. Lmao. Morning went schl as usual. Reached schl at 7.10 ? Den drizzling halfway while walking , was like wtf. Den went up to the hall , see all th sec 4&5 but no sec 1 , was like fucking damn scary lor. Den saw Lynn walking up stairs , so just walk up , den went class , alot peepol alr . Den put dwn baq , go out slackslack . Den no teachers mah , so just slack in class, use phone etc. Den suddenly dm announce to stand up to sing th national anthem thru th speaker . Den everyone was like stand alr , den suddenly damn noisy , den saw teck leong & teng chao fighting. Teck leong was grabbing onto teng chao's hand. Like a gay or what. LMAO. Den th national anthem started , i also cannot hear a shit cos class too noisy , so just continue watching tl and tc. Den ms tan suddenly come in , scoldscold say what we bo respect country den making a fool arnd instead of singing th anthem. Den talk like everyone's fault liddat , den need write 100 word essay. Fk lah , not my prob also need write. Den chiong write aft tht went to Kitchen for HE. :D Today last lesson sia , next term D&T. Sian , from cut onion become cut wood ? LOL. Okay , den today bake cakes , was fucking fun ttvfm. :D. Den ms teo say we well-behaved , so gave us extra cupcakes. Hehaho. Damn nice sia th cupcakes. (Y)(Y). Den aft tt had recess , slacked in class den went down to assemble . Aft tht had lessons all th way , den last 2 period was spring cleaning. Damn fun ah. I act to clean th board , den ms tan was like , 'Shermaine, dont clean alr, not tired meh?' . Dammit kind ms tan. LOL. Den just continue cleaning, den aft schl slack w evan and lynn till 1 plus den went band. Fall in was fun today. Muhahha. Den band also fun , played w instru till my lips numb alr. Den end at 5. Cos schl close earlier, aweshome. Hehahaaha. Den went study corner slack till 6 plus den came home. Anw, today last day of schl and tmr is PTM. Diedie ! Ms tan sure complain about me luh , say what i vandalize table , racist , keep talking to Lynn , never pay attention , and what else ? Attire problems. Hais, goodluck man. ><. Dont complain uh. And scarely i fail EL, scaredscared ! ): . Den tmr mayb going movie w Lynn, evan or maybe tricia. Idk, lol . Okay , gtg, bye,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello everyone. Sorry ytd didnt update , was damn busy. Had schl till 7. CCA and stuffs. Hais , ytd PE ran 2.4km , fail again. Fck man. Must go back schl during hol , hehaho. Nvm. Then had band , cos all th malays went excursion , so didnt do much ytd. Wasnt really tiring. :D. Okay , then today was fun ? Went schl as usual , den had lessons all th way. Den had class photo taking , and band photo taking, fun ttvfm. :D The fun part was after schl , had Gene modelling workshop , the cher was freaking fun , :D. And the worksheet is like solving a puzzel , i lioke. :D. hehaho. Den workshop end at 5. Went home str8 to chiong history proj, okay. Now i still havent do , LOL. Okay , done posting , and tmr have band . Suck much , BUT LAST DAY OF SCH! But hol still have to go sch , fvck . Kthxbai . :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yohhhhs peepols , today was fun ttvfm . :D. Woke at 645 , prepared for schl and went mac to meet evan,lynn and davian at 740. Den slacked awhile , aft tht headed to schl at 8 . Had boring lessbons th whole day, den aft schl went to find ms lee cos neh bring storybooks. -.- . She gave us 1E3ian's files and asked us to check if they have th worksheets. Lame sia, i dont even wanna check my own alr , nw still ask me check others. No brain siol. Then say what this one punishment. Tsk. Den nbm , still fun , aft tht had maths day activity . Was grped w van, mheena , tc and jj . Den chiong all th way , stucked at station 1 for 20mins, LOL. den aft tht all th way chiong back hall aft we finished , den got first in our class. Damn happy. Hehehhe, but need go up stage , wtf. Den th teacher was like , 'the winner for 1E2 is , shermaine's grp' den boon and etc strted shouting my name, lmao? Den went up , took pick , damn paiseh .the prize is 1 cert and a bag of stationaries . -.- Okaaaay , , den aft sch went slacking w boon & tricia all arnd till 6 plus , den went hm arnd 7 and bathed,dinner den bs. :D. k, done posting, bye.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ehehehehhe,ni men hao. :D. So long bo post alr , ummm , 5 days ? Hehehe. Was busy with results and shitty stuffs in schl. Uhuh. Today was a disaster. -.-. Woke up at 6 , almost lateee ~ Reach schl arnd 7.10 ? >< . Den had lessons as usual. Almost fall asleep in science lesson , teehee. Den had PE during th last period, mr loh say must train to run the 2.4km shit. So only me, evan and lynn ran. Ran 3 rounds , mr loh ask us go back , den sua , we play games. Den playplayplay , kena drawn on th hand , cannot wash away , fcuk . Den nvm , aft schl had chinatown excursion , the weather was fcuking hawt . Den reached thr arnd 245 , walked arnd and den went to dono what shitty place to have tea ? Smelly tea -.- . Den played while walking , head kena hit by Jeff , Amos, Zavier, Davian, etc. -.-. Den shoes kena step by Jeff thrice. But i kicked his leg , hehaho . LOL. Den had funnnn , lol . Den went back bus, camwhore with Minhui , den played taptap. Reached schl 5 plus , went slacking for awhile with boon&rach , played truthordare , aft tht went frolick w rach , den reached hm 630 , bathed , dinner , and now here posting. Okokok, done, bye. :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hell`O peeps . :D. Yesterday didnt update cus was out whole day , aft that came home alr 8 plus , den chiong hw . :/ Hahaha. Today was aweshome ! (Y). Got back my results uhuhuh, quite satisfied. Damn happy that maths scored 68/100. Gosh , from F9 become B3 , im sho fucking happpehhhhhh~ Okaaaaay , den got geo ppr . 60/100 . Not really good , but from E8 become B4 . Improvment huhh . LOL. Highest 76 ? ): . Damnn it , should have scored better urgh . :/. Den got mother ppr. I think i in top 10 bah , 47/70. Hehaho , but Jonathan scored 53 , cant believe it. LOL. Okay , den got uhm , lit ppr, fucking sad lor. 50/80 ? Wtf is this . Highest 66 sia. Wth , why i so dumbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. >< . Okayyy nvm , only satisfied w maths , cos mostly i ask arnd , all lower than me, even band 1 also got 50 plus despite i band 4, hehaho. Highest xinyi , 80, FML i so jealous LOL. But i top 10 . WOOHOOO . Hahahahha, okay can . ^^ Den band tday end 6.10 , i str8 go hm , see i so guai . Den june 21 got camp =.= 1 day also want camp , suck much , OKAYYYYYYY. Done posting, buhbai.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hellos. Today was boring ttvfm. Woke up at 10.45am , early for me on an holiday okaaay! Den texted peepol , used fb , den brunched arnd 11.45 , bathed and prepared to go jp to meet Tricia. Den reached alr , arnd 12.30 . She said she will be abit late , den fine, i walk go mac wait. Waitwaitwait , 1h alr, still bo appear. Her phone gt prob, call text all cnt , find i pissed jiu go home sua . On mrt , she use her mom phone call , i reject , jiu go home . End up rot at home , lmao . Fb all th way , den tv . LOL. Too bored ahahaha . Tmr holiday agn TT . I want schooooool ~ Awww . Okay , done posting , buhbai :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Yohs , today was funnnn ?! Heheheh , woke up @ 6 , damn late . Den rushed , went meetup ppl @ yt mrt den went sch , uhm , today maths ppr 1 was freaking easy except some questions uh , eheheh , think i will pass uh . ;D. Den gt recess jiu cl ppr 3 , den i finished checkng work alr , den turn over look at HT, Den cher in charge look at me like bueysong jiu diao me , fk ah her . Those ppl who diao me one , srsly , go fk yrself la ok . -.- . Den aftr schl , released arnd 10 plus. Went lot 1 w Huihong,Huiting, Regin, Dryan. Went minitoons shopshop , den went rooftop slack . Played truth or dare , den asking for ppl's numbr rdmly , hh kena rejected twice , muhahaha, lol . Den went hm arnd 1 plus. Den bathed and had lunch , aft tht went yz's hse for her partyyy , damn funny one i tell you , joke arnd like szb w Regin , Jody and May . Den aft tht went dwn stagmont cut cake , den bash cake on May , den alice come le , den aft tht went back zhen's hse , den slackslack awhile , went home . Chiong art =.= . Fml , srsly im gona fail it okayy . Gl for me tmr. :/ Ok , done posting, bye.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Heyyyyyeah, today was godamn boring cannn , woke up at 12plus , damn late . Den washup den had lunch , den went textext . On comp , den singtel suck kuku , internet connection cannot connect + damn it slow . Fvck up siol . Den sua , off laptop , go use phone. Fbfb all th way till night , den bathed, went lot 1 with mum&sis. Went popular buy books , den dinner at delifrance. After tht me&sis went to buy gift for mummyday. (Y). Anw , happy mothers' day to all th mothers yo . :). Den bus-ed home , on laptop , finally can connect liao chu know ?! LOL . Den fb , nw here updating shits. Heheheh , im still in love w my redred crumplr . Anw , tmr hol , damn shuang can. :D. Then tue, el and cl ppr , suckmuch aww , gota chiong last min revision for el&Cl tmr , hoping to get As for both , hehehehe, okayyyy , done updating , night (Y)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ellooo . Today woke up 9am , den use phone , textext , den tv . Den brunched arnd 11 plus , den slacked at home . Wanna go orchard buy crumplr one , but mum say she gota wrk , so going with sis . Say 3pm go , till nw 6pm she still dw bath . -'- . Asshole siaa , den whole day rot at home , compcomp , den fbfbfbfb , lmaao . kk , done posting.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hellos. Gosh , so long bo update le , was like superduperfreaking busy with life . ): . Nowadays was so damn busy , umm , im in the midst of mid year ehehehehe. Geo , history , sci , el/cl papr 1 and maths 2 was ovr. I think i flunk sci and maths. =) Heheheheh , pray hard for 100% passes uh ! ;). Heh , today geo papr was okayokay , can do uh . They ask the questions 95% all i know how answer , hehe , den got 1 question ask , describe 'vulcanicity' . Den i forqet liao , anyhow bomb 1 answer thr, scarely correct one , muhaha . Den aft sch slack at study cornr thr w Tricia , Evan , Lynn , Huiting , Huihong , Yating. Den gt 1 weird uncle was like going arnd asking for $$ , den HH keep make joke outta him , sibei funny . Den we joke arnd , play truth or dare and etc. :D. Had damn loads of fun , den molested each othr , wth hahah . :D. Den went hm , dk wht to do . Den edward jio me go movie , idw go . Nobody free , either all sleeping , or else lazyyy , tsktsktsk . Tmr wan go buyyy crumplr , hehe . :D Btw , changed specc . Like so fake spec siool , those nerdy one , ehehehe . Den alot ppl say it fits me , wtf. ._. . Kkkkk , next wk paper donid revise one uh . El , cl , maths ppr 1 , andand , lit den art. Chu tell me which one need revise ? El , cl ? Math ppr ? Heheheh , okokok , done posting , bye. :D