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Friday, May 6, 2011

Hellos. Gosh , so long bo update le , was like superduperfreaking busy with life . ): . Nowadays was so damn busy , umm , im in the midst of mid year ehehehehe. Geo , history , sci , el/cl papr 1 and maths 2 was ovr. I think i flunk sci and maths. =) Heheheheh , pray hard for 100% passes uh ! ;). Heh , today geo papr was okayokay , can do uh . They ask the questions 95% all i know how answer , hehe , den got 1 question ask , describe 'vulcanicity' . Den i forqet liao , anyhow bomb 1 answer thr, scarely correct one , muhaha . Den aft sch slack at study cornr thr w Tricia , Evan , Lynn , Huiting , Huihong , Yating. Den gt 1 weird uncle was like going arnd asking for $$ , den HH keep make joke outta him , sibei funny . Den we joke arnd , play truth or dare and etc. :D. Had damn loads of fun , den molested each othr , wth hahah . :D. Den went hm , dk wht to do . Den edward jio me go movie , idw go . Nobody free , either all sleeping , or else lazyyy , tsktsktsk . Tmr wan go buyyy crumplr , hehe . :D Btw , changed specc . Like so fake spec siool , those nerdy one , ehehehe . Den alot ppl say it fits me , wtf. ._. . Kkkkk , next wk paper donid revise one uh . El , cl , maths ppr 1 , andand , lit den art. Chu tell me which one need revise ? El , cl ? Math ppr ? Heheheh , okokok , done posting , bye. :D

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