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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yohhhhs peepols , today was fun ttvfm . :D. Woke at 645 , prepared for schl and went mac to meet evan,lynn and davian at 740. Den slacked awhile , aft tht headed to schl at 8 . Had boring lessbons th whole day, den aft schl went to find ms lee cos neh bring storybooks. -.- . She gave us 1E3ian's files and asked us to check if they have th worksheets. Lame sia, i dont even wanna check my own alr , nw still ask me check others. No brain siol. Then say what this one punishment. Tsk. Den nbm , still fun , aft tht had maths day activity . Was grped w van, mheena , tc and jj . Den chiong all th way , stucked at station 1 for 20mins, LOL. den aft tht all th way chiong back hall aft we finished , den got first in our class. Damn happy. Hehehhe, but need go up stage , wtf. Den th teacher was like , 'the winner for 1E2 is , shermaine's grp' den boon and etc strted shouting my name, lmao? Den went up , took pick , damn paiseh .the prize is 1 cert and a bag of stationaries . -.- Okaaaay , , den aft sch went slacking w boon & tricia all arnd till 6 plus , den went hm arnd 7 and bathed,dinner den bs. :D. k, done posting, bye.

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