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Friday, May 27, 2011

Yohs , today was fucking bored, and then fun. Lmao. Morning went schl as usual. Reached schl at 7.10 ? Den drizzling halfway while walking , was like wtf. Den went up to the hall , see all th sec 4&5 but no sec 1 , was like fucking damn scary lor. Den saw Lynn walking up stairs , so just walk up , den went class , alot peepol alr . Den put dwn baq , go out slackslack . Den no teachers mah , so just slack in class, use phone etc. Den suddenly dm announce to stand up to sing th national anthem thru th speaker . Den everyone was like stand alr , den suddenly damn noisy , den saw teck leong & teng chao fighting. Teck leong was grabbing onto teng chao's hand. Like a gay or what. LMAO. Den th national anthem started , i also cannot hear a shit cos class too noisy , so just continue watching tl and tc. Den ms tan suddenly come in , scoldscold say what we bo respect country den making a fool arnd instead of singing th anthem. Den talk like everyone's fault liddat , den need write 100 word essay. Fk lah , not my prob also need write. Den chiong write aft tht went to Kitchen for HE. :D Today last lesson sia , next term D&T. Sian , from cut onion become cut wood ? LOL. Okay , den today bake cakes , was fucking fun ttvfm. :D. Den ms teo say we well-behaved , so gave us extra cupcakes. Hehaho. Damn nice sia th cupcakes. (Y)(Y). Den aft tt had recess , slacked in class den went down to assemble . Aft tht had lessons all th way , den last 2 period was spring cleaning. Damn fun ah. I act to clean th board , den ms tan was like , 'Shermaine, dont clean alr, not tired meh?' . Dammit kind ms tan. LOL. Den just continue cleaning, den aft schl slack w evan and lynn till 1 plus den went band. Fall in was fun today. Muhahha. Den band also fun , played w instru till my lips numb alr. Den end at 5. Cos schl close earlier, aweshome. Hehahaaha. Den went study corner slack till 6 plus den came home. Anw, today last day of schl and tmr is PTM. Diedie ! Ms tan sure complain about me luh , say what i vandalize table , racist , keep talking to Lynn , never pay attention , and what else ? Attire problems. Hais, goodluck man. ><. Dont complain uh. And scarely i fail EL, scaredscared ! ): . Den tmr mayb going movie w Lynn, evan or maybe tricia. Idk, lol . Okay , gtg, bye,

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