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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello everyone. Sorry ytd didnt update , was damn busy. Had schl till 7. CCA and stuffs. Hais , ytd PE ran 2.4km , fail again. Fck man. Must go back schl during hol , hehaho. Nvm. Then had band , cos all th malays went excursion , so didnt do much ytd. Wasnt really tiring. :D. Okay , then today was fun ? Went schl as usual , den had lessons all th way. Den had class photo taking , and band photo taking, fun ttvfm. :D The fun part was after schl , had Gene modelling workshop , the cher was freaking fun , :D. And the worksheet is like solving a puzzel , i lioke. :D. hehaho. Den workshop end at 5. Went home str8 to chiong history proj, okay. Now i still havent do , LOL. Okay , done posting , and tmr have band . Suck much , BUT LAST DAY OF SCH! But hol still have to go sch , fvck . Kthxbai . :D

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