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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hellllloos . Its like 11pm now and i finally on my comp to updaaate blog. :D. Half of my hw not done. Tmr got art, idgaf. Aiya, maths also not done, tskk , idgaf liao. Idk & lazy do . K, then as usual went schl with jody,rachel&eunice todaaay. Whole morning was like '***hao' to rachel. LOL ttm. Den reached schl le strted pouring. Den donid assemble, str8 go class. :D. Den lisa was like talking alotalot , and i listening but suddenly someone shouted my name out of th class den i look at window is boon and someone. At first i tot is 1E1 malay girl , but actually was tricia. Den i diao wrong person, trololol. k , then had PE today. Played floorball. Lynn,minhui,evan&ht was like anyhow hit th ball and i was running like a szb arnd th hall , but nehmind. Train 2.4 mah , LOL. k then, today gt sci practical , siandaozxc -.- . Aft tt got 1&half hr el , sian . But when coming up th stairs , we all camped at th stair for like 5 mins, awesome not 1E2. But that sherin thomas go rush up & tell esther. Tmdccb , si black dog. -.- Zzzzz. Den survived thru lessons, last 2 period is music, went macworld. (Y) hahhaha , was like laughing till my stomach pain with ht at thr , playing all sorts of indian song & accidently took an unglam picture of ht , hahaha wtfh trololol . Den we all dk how to delete it, den was like laughing like szbs. Den aft tt 1.50 went for maths makeup lesson till 2.50 , aft tt went slack awhile at class den went home with May. Otw home was like 'Chester-ing' to him. lol siaozxc right. k , done posting, kthxbai. :]

Awesomest day in schl. :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Okay , helllooo . I know this blogskin seriouslyy sucks . But ive no time to changeee , maybe friday k ? :) Hehehe. Today as usual, went to schl with Jody , Eunice , Yvette , Nichelle & May. Den reached schl 7 , umm , nth happened. Boring morning assembly den had healthcheckup. Need take off everything on top. Den like almost touch my.. ._. LOL. den had lessons . Survived for all the lessons . Luckyme. :) . Tsk , moodswings nowaday , haiz. Getting pissed like everytime when people irritate me , lols . Tday tricia go pull my shirt up @ canteen and like wtfh , i wn slap her k ccb . -.- . Den had band, woo . So fun . Senior taught us the notes and stuffs. Den she was like ask Soo teng to shout den she say , shout 'FUCKYOU'. But it was kidding luh. Den had so much fun & the music was awesometastic k , hahaha. Den band ended at 6 plus. Was dragged by jody to go wm pei her buy file , end up bo sell , trolloll . Den reached hm 720 , bathed & dinner. Den went yt for dono what fk with sis and ended up went hm , k done posting bye, Tmr gt maths supp , fk .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

HAAAAI !! Woke @ 635 , bathed and prepared fer schl . Den tday was like boring max cn . Lesson was like all hell . Zzz . First period CFT , k lah , den th sci , ms fun bo come, shuang max. Den tday ms lee sot diao , scoldscold ppl waste timeee , dn suddenly bang th door , act yi ge fierce but fail , hahahaha. k , deeeen whn mt suddenly no mood , dk why . Dn aft tt k le , ht make me laugh like szb . K , then last 2 period , geog . Wth , th cher come in i was laughing my ass off man . It was mr lee HC ? And he said his name was hongkong channel , wtf -.- . And he damn old , lao kok kok , hahahaha. Den i was insulting him frm strt of lesson till end . Dn halfway , chongjun go ask th ms usha come fix th comp , dn she so black , walk in str8 i said , 'Hei ren ya gao' meaning the darlie toothpaste , hahahaha . Den everyone was laughing . I damn racist one kekekekeke . k , thn finally ended. Had maths supp @ 230 - 340 . Den went canteen slack with minhui , do hw and joke arnd till 5 . Aft tt went to ht thr & chatchat while waiting for tricia . Den wnt hm at 6 plus . Walked to mrt hor , den suddenly one black bitch was like , 'Hi girls, can do this survey blahblah' to me & tricia. My first reaction was like , walk away . Den tricia at thr laughlaugh , den listen to her , ahahahah . wthhhh . dn i was laughing my head off while walking k , haha . Den tri say she give her $3 ? k , suay sia her . haha . Dn went hm , SA and nw blogging k :D tmr's lesson is hell k , got lit & i haven do hw . and tmr gt health screeening , fvck sial , May say they need take out everything on top , wth . K, hell tmr. gtg .;D

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello , today woke at 12 , late right, ikr. Den had lunched & prepared to go out . Wnt lot 1 w mom , dn went Converse shopshop . Bought a jacket & th shoes. Aweeesome (Y) . Heheheh, den arnd 6 plus, had dinner at lot1 & went hm . Bathed & SA. Homework all undone & its alr sunday , hohoho . Gg.com , die . :] K gtg ,bye.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hellos, woke at 8, prepared for schl. Went gombak to meet Fateha at 8.50 dn walked to schl. Slacked awhile while looking at Evan,Lynn and Ht run. Actually promised evan to go d, but end up lazy bo go. Sianzxc sia , they like kena brainwashed by loh liddat. At first lazy d, den suddenly want go trg. Siao eh. -.- . Den had supp till 11.30 liddat. Was stoning thr. Eye damn painzxc can. STUPID contactlens. zzzz. Den hm at 12 . Bathed & fb den SA & text . Tmr not gg band. Lazy. Alot hmw not done,Shit. Fri gg back schl to run w evan , kthxbai .

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today was awesometastic k . Cabbed to schl w jody den had fall in as usual. Den went band room, practise abit & den listen to th seniors. Den while planning for game's grp , YongXin ask some senior and junior to change group cos want bond us mahs , den suddenly Claudia , or whatvr her name is , shouted "Guailan" Den yongxin was like "want say, say louder la". Den suddenly Claudia shouted "Cb" . LOL. Den everyone was like a shocked lo . Den makan @ 1pm. B4 makan still must greet what VIPS. Pui ah, lol. Den had games. Ran arnd & dono what cluedo what find mystery , sian dao . Den aft tt last 30 mins had water games. Awesome cn . Whole pants wet. Den changed up & wnt mac w Van, Fateha & Jody. Den gossipgossip , & went hm @ 6plus. Bathed & now updating . Hehahha. Today skipped maths supp , shit sia . Cos of band lah. Den tmw also gt supp. Sian. Mayb aft supp gg movie w Jody etc, kthxbai. :D

Monday, June 20, 2011

Okay, im boredzxc. And my blogskin sucks ttm. like srsly. k, i wanna post 40 confessions here.(:
#1 - I hate my dad ttm.
#2 - I hate showoffs.
#3 - I cant sleep without blankets.
#4 - I always act like i treat you as a bestfriend, but im actually hating you at your back.
#5 - I always laugh like szb in public despite everyone looking at me.
#6 - I wanna be a millionaire.
#7 - I scold teachers @ their back.
#8 - 90% of every sentences i said would include vulgars.
#9 - I think im fucking supah ugly & its th fact.
#10 - I hate indians.
#11 - I hate people who 'tsk' at me.
#12 - I always prank call. :D
#13 - I shitted on my pants when i was p2.
#14 - I hate pedo people.
#15 - I always spent alotalot of money on useless stuffs.
#16 - Everytime something attracted me, i'd end up getting it.
#17 - I get depress rlly easily.
#18 - I want a caring boyfriend.
#19 - I watch porn BEFORE.
#20 - I sometimes copy, idk why.
#21 - I hate skirts, but i still wear them.
#22 - I love necklaces that are awesomeeeeee.
#23 - Im a cleanfreak.
#24 - Im sometimes sensitive.
#25 - I always think that nobody likes me.
#26 - I get influenced easily.
#27 - I wanna die faster but im scared of death.
#28 - I fear pain.
#29 - I cant swim well.
#30 - I got drowned by my sis when i was like 5 or 6 years old.
#31 - I believe in ghost.
#32 - Everytime hungry ghost month, i would have a weird dream, idk why.
#33 - I always laugh to myselfs, and i love recalling the awesome memories.
#34 - I always buy something and i play till sian den dump it away/aside.
#35 - Im lazy & veryvery messy.
#36 - Ive fucked up attitude.
#37 - I always assume that people's status are talking about me.
#38 - I wanna be pretty and like those girls who have many likes on her photos.
#39 - I dream big. :D
#40 - I loved that skittles guy. But for now, its complicated. :/

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Shit sia, haven
complete my hw. Nah, all done halfway. Die. Today sucks. Woke up at 1pm ,
lunched & bathed den went Teck Whye to rebond mah fringe. :D. Den aft
rebonding was like arnd 7.30 le, so had dinner @ nearby coffee shop & den
taxi-ed to Jp. Walked arnd & looking for Van's shoes & watches. End up
bought nth , like srsly. -.- . Zzzzz. Den went hm arnd 11 plus, tsk. Sis play w
my contact lens, lol. Tmrw mayb going buy contact lens , colour d . Or idk, den
morning going doct , k done posting. kthxbai .

Hellos, today went jb in th morning. Reached arnd 1plus. Lunched & went shopping. Den bought my converse schl shoes. Red & gold d (Y). Den went for massage ? Kena forced -.- . Zzzzz. Was laughing my head off cos it was freaking ticklish. Okay, idk hw spell can. Den aft that alr like 4 plus. Den went shopping agn. Bought a vest & elmo shirt. Den wnt specs shop. Bought contact lenses. Used 1h to put on th contact len. I know i too zai alr. HAHA. First time whaaaat. Den like 6 plus, went dinner @ Secret recipe. Den aft tt went supermarket to buy gums. Tsk, sad life. Cos when we at the custom thr, kena confiscated den need throw away, nbcb. -.-. Den sua , reached hm 10 plus, bathed and now here blogging. Sianzxc. Hol ending soon. 1 more wks nia. Then next wk 3 days need go schl, Fcuk. -.- . Tsk , havn complete my hw & nw gona get sick . Fml seriously. Zzzz. Kthxbai.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Malaysia sucks :P

Hey hellos. Never update for a few days cos I was at Msia :). Just came back a few hrs ago :). Heheh, nothing much really happened there. That day tue night we board th train and we alight at KL Sentral on 15th morning, wed. Den we had our breakfast at Mac den took taxi and went up genting and we went to th resort hotel. Den wait till 2pm den cn
Check in, so we walked arnd, shopped & had lunched den checked in. Aft that , took a bathe and prepared to go out agn w sis. We went coffee bean cos only thr gt wifi. -.- den camped thr den went firstworld den went dinner & back to coffee bean agn. den on 16th was my bday. Anw, thanks peeps for th bday wishes :). Okay, den woke up @ 11am. Bathed & went for lunch. Den went haunted hse w dad&sis. Me&sis was screaming like a szb inside , lollllll. Den aft that went basketrobin for icecreaaaam. :D den aft tt, me&sis wnt to get indoor theme park tickets. Like nth play d, only went for cable car, 4D master motion & flying dragon.:P den aft that was like arnd 7 le , went to meet mummy and etc den had dinner. Den went back firstworld & shopped. Bought necklaces & stuffs. Den put tattoos on my leg & hand. Den aft that we went genting arcade & play till like 12am. Den walked arnd & at 1am we went back coffee bean
& camp there for wi-fi. :P den went back hotel arnd 2am , bathed & slept. Den today woke at 8am. Bathed & went firstworld w mummy&sis. Went to bought my converse schl bag & sis's playboy shoes. Den shopped arnd & bought a belt den went back hotel and took our luggage & take taxi back to kl Sentral. Reached thr arnd 12 plus. Ate our lunch @ KFC & den went shopped arnd. :P bought a sunglasses w my sis & just walked arnd. Den boarded th train @ 2 plus and reached sg at arnd 10 plus night. :/ den went kopitiam
Sit sit wait for dad to fetch us den reached hm 1 plus, bathed & nw here updating. K, genting funfun. Gtg, kthxbai :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Helloooos peeeeepols. Currently at Coffee Bean @ Resort world Hotel thr . Tsk, sianzxc man . Tday damn tired can . Alight from th train @ 645am , den went mac for breakfast . Aft that took 1h taxi up to Genting. Den still cannot check in hotel until 2pm , so went around slacking , went first world shopshop , den walked & looked arnd . Den arnd 12 went for lunch @ Genting there . Aft lunched checked in hotel , den took a bathe and now here @ Coffee bean w sis , tryna use comp andand update fb and stuff . Hehaha. Later going first world shopshop @ cotton on , den go haunted adv , play pool and etc till dinner time dn go meet mummy etc . Hehhaha. Tmr my bday , sis promised say go theme park w me (Y) . Weeee . Gona have fun like maddies k . ;D. And gona celeb my bday at idk whr . But mom say wanna buy a cake and wo bu dong liao . Tmr den see ;). Hehhaa. Now so boredddddddd. Dono is fri or sat go home , rofl . klah , done updating. chaos :D

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hellooooooooooooos. :D Today was aweshom(Y) Woke at 11am , wtfh . I slept at 5am sial , hehaho . Den prepared and went out with mum&sis to a hotel for lunchhhh :] Den reached thr arnd 12 plusplus, den aft eating , went Robinson to buy French Connection's shirt aka Fcuk shirt. LOL. Okay, $60 ? Wth hahaha. I too rich alr. LOL. Okayokay, dn aft tt went courts to look for my bday gift , a cameraaaa. :D. But end up none attracted me, so sis decided to go Suntec for th IT fair oneee. :D Den we walked arnd , canon, olyimpus, den cannot find nikkon == Zzzzzzz. Den nvm , went fujifilm thr, saw one awesome d , so bought it. $399. Weeeeeeee. Hehaho. I can make sure i everyday camwhore one lo , hahah. Okay, den went home, fell asleep for 1 h, den went yt for dinner. Aft dinner went cheers den saw yuzhen there. okay, den went home. and here blogging. kthxbai. :D

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hellos. Ytd was bored ttvfm. Stayed at home the whole dayzxc tsk. Then today woke at 2pm . Ytd slept at 4am. :P. Hehahahaha. Okay, den went yewtee with mommy at arnd 4 plus. Went KFC for late lunch andand , bought a choco cake for my bday ? Advanced de , coz 16 i'll be at genting. D: . Eyr , i duwan go siol , i want to celebraate with friends ah , lol . Will come back at 17. Sianzxc . Den go the genting lan lo, tsk . k gtg, night.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hellos. :D Today was awesometastic. Woke at 730. Den prepared and went lot 1 mac to meet Evan & Lynn. Den ate our breakfast and went Cheers to buy tidbits&drinks. Den we trained down to Outram Park. But during the ride, we were laughing our ass off. Got one lady at Dover board , then she was scolding dono who say what, 狐狸精, meaning slut. LOL. Den we laughlaughlaugh, den reach Outram park, we dk how to go take purple line, den we took wrong, den take till go back the Tiongbahru. Hahahaha. Fated to go tiongbahru lah, hah. Den finally we figured out whr is Habourfront. Den we reached vivo at arnd 10 . We slacked arnd, den sit and talktalktalk till 11 , den Vanessa , Jannah , Nelly , Fadzil , Kartiqah , Yani , Zaza, John, Bl, Teck, Wk, came. Den all th girls except Nelly, Jannah, Zaza and Kartiqah went to take th monorail to Sts. Like srsly, fuck those bitch ah , they say cos the monotrail too ex den so want walk ? Lmao. Den waste our time need go find them , zzzz. Den nvm , we train down sts alr, den we went Siloso beach, play awhile , waterbomb, :D. Den evan made mah phone drop to the sand thr, like wth, almost had an heartattack. Den aft that we went to Pahlawan beach. Den saw those girls and boys den iskandar and etc. Den aft that we play our own things. Swimming, relaxing in th sea. Den suddenly they all say what Jelly fish. Den all shouted. LMAO. Actually is a plastic nia. ROFL. Den played finish , we went changed up , den tri call me say she want come vivo with friends, like srsly lo , she want go whr also not my prob , call me for what. Spoil my mood ah cb. =.= . Den we went vivo ate at Carls Jr. The fish like bullshit smelly ass. :/. Den we went arcade. Den met tricia & her fren. Den we just walk off. Bought a rabbit iphone cover. :D. The tail so freaking irritating, but niceeee. (Y) . Hehehehehe. Okay , den aft tt went slacking beside th disco , got th open space. Den evan and lynn go buy sweets at minitoons. Buy dono how many grams. Pay 5.60. Wth pro. Den went back slack aqn , den John and Dav came. Me,evan and lynn ran. Den @#$%$#@! happend. Fucking embarrased. Den we trained back yt , at clementi , i almost fell out of th MRT. -.- den went hm , bathed dinner and now blogging. Today was th best day everrrrr. 1E2 rocks. :D

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello. Ytd fucking shuang cn . Went jp with sis, bought idk. Basically, nothing. LOL. Just shopped around, den meet mum thr, ate at swensen . Den aft tht went lot 1 , kbox. (Y)(Y). Sing till shuang till 2am . Den went hse thr play grnd , slack till 3am . Den went hm . Hehhaha. Den quarrel w T. Fuck her la hor. Keep doubting me. Dont believe dontbelieve la. I lie for what , get champion ah . Pubor nia lor. Whats th point of continuing this f/s when theres no trust at all. Sua lor, maybe my life will get bettr. :D. Heheheh, okayy , den ltr going cwp w mom. Go watch movie, pirates of th carribean bah, kthxbai. I HATE HER. :D You shud know who. That T. Who lie. Saying bl ask her for stead. Pui lah. Is she ask one lor. Asshole. Nub.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Heyyo peepols. Woke up at 1 plus today , damn late . LOL. Idk why, woke up smiling. Sucha nice dream ? Weird. Den eat lunch and went SA. :P. SA till arnd 4 plus, bathed and prepared to go Bugis w sis. Dono is Bugis or Jp or both. Dk luh. Go thr shop for iPhone covers & stuffs. =) Hehehehe. Okk, confirm come back is broke one. :3 Lol. Tmr's monday , no schl . Hooray. Next thur class outing , cant waaaait. Sentosa yo ! Okay, done posting, bye.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ni Men Hao. Today pon schl again , but tday is for band. Sian max. Stay home. Do nothing. Fb,SA,Text den Fb again. Lmao. Seriously rot at home , but going band more boring ley , tsktsk. Tmr going schl k , meeting lynn at mac at 730 to chiong maths hw cuz tmr is go schl for maths supp. XD. okay can. Den aft supp at 11 , go hm lunch and change up den go jp meet tricia lo. Donid go thr do what. She say go thr spend moneh . LMAO. Idkay eh , hahah. Okay, tmr going movie i think. Okay can. Bye, :D