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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

HAAAAI !! Woke @ 635 , bathed and prepared fer schl . Den tday was like boring max cn . Lesson was like all hell . Zzz . First period CFT , k lah , den th sci , ms fun bo come, shuang max. Den tday ms lee sot diao , scoldscold ppl waste timeee , dn suddenly bang th door , act yi ge fierce but fail , hahahaha. k , deeeen whn mt suddenly no mood , dk why . Dn aft tt k le , ht make me laugh like szb . K , then last 2 period , geog . Wth , th cher come in i was laughing my ass off man . It was mr lee HC ? And he said his name was hongkong channel , wtf -.- . And he damn old , lao kok kok , hahahaha. Den i was insulting him frm strt of lesson till end . Dn halfway , chongjun go ask th ms usha come fix th comp , dn she so black , walk in str8 i said , 'Hei ren ya gao' meaning the darlie toothpaste , hahahaha . Den everyone was laughing . I damn racist one kekekekeke . k , thn finally ended. Had maths supp @ 230 - 340 . Den went canteen slack with minhui , do hw and joke arnd till 5 . Aft tt went to ht thr & chatchat while waiting for tricia . Den wnt hm at 6 plus . Walked to mrt hor , den suddenly one black bitch was like , 'Hi girls, can do this survey blahblah' to me & tricia. My first reaction was like , walk away . Den tricia at thr laughlaugh , den listen to her , ahahahah . wthhhh . dn i was laughing my head off while walking k , haha . Den tri say she give her $3 ? k , suay sia her . haha . Dn went hm , SA and nw blogging k :D tmr's lesson is hell k , got lit & i haven do hw . and tmr gt health screeening , fvck sial , May say they need take out everything on top , wth . K, hell tmr. gtg .;D

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