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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hellos, today went jb in th morning. Reached arnd 1plus. Lunched & went shopping. Den bought my converse schl shoes. Red & gold d (Y). Den went for massage ? Kena forced -.- . Zzzzz. Was laughing my head off cos it was freaking ticklish. Okay, idk hw spell can. Den aft that alr like 4 plus. Den went shopping agn. Bought a vest & elmo shirt. Den wnt specs shop. Bought contact lenses. Used 1h to put on th contact len. I know i too zai alr. HAHA. First time whaaaat. Den like 6 plus, went dinner @ Secret recipe. Den aft tt went supermarket to buy gums. Tsk, sad life. Cos when we at the custom thr, kena confiscated den need throw away, nbcb. -.-. Den sua , reached hm 10 plus, bathed and now here blogging. Sianzxc. Hol ending soon. 1 more wks nia. Then next wk 3 days need go schl, Fcuk. -.- . Tsk , havn complete my hw & nw gona get sick . Fml seriously. Zzzz. Kthxbai.

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