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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hellooooooooooooos. :D Today was aweshom(Y) Woke at 11am , wtfh . I slept at 5am sial , hehaho . Den prepared and went out with mum&sis to a hotel for lunchhhh :] Den reached thr arnd 12 plusplus, den aft eating , went Robinson to buy French Connection's shirt aka Fcuk shirt. LOL. Okay, $60 ? Wth hahaha. I too rich alr. LOL. Okayokay, dn aft tt went courts to look for my bday gift , a cameraaaa. :D. But end up none attracted me, so sis decided to go Suntec for th IT fair oneee. :D Den we walked arnd , canon, olyimpus, den cannot find nikkon == Zzzzzzz. Den nvm , went fujifilm thr, saw one awesome d , so bought it. $399. Weeeeeeee. Hehaho. I can make sure i everyday camwhore one lo , hahah. Okay, den went home, fell asleep for 1 h, den went yt for dinner. Aft dinner went cheers den saw yuzhen there. okay, den went home. and here blogging. kthxbai. :D

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