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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello. Ytd fucking shuang cn . Went jp with sis, bought idk. Basically, nothing. LOL. Just shopped around, den meet mum thr, ate at swensen . Den aft tht went lot 1 , kbox. (Y)(Y). Sing till shuang till 2am . Den went hse thr play grnd , slack till 3am . Den went hm . Hehhaha. Den quarrel w T. Fuck her la hor. Keep doubting me. Dont believe dontbelieve la. I lie for what , get champion ah . Pubor nia lor. Whats th point of continuing this f/s when theres no trust at all. Sua lor, maybe my life will get bettr. :D. Heheheh, okayy , den ltr going cwp w mom. Go watch movie, pirates of th carribean bah, kthxbai. I HATE HER. :D You shud know who. That T. Who lie. Saying bl ask her for stead. Pui lah. Is she ask one lor. Asshole. Nub.

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