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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hellllloos . Its like 11pm now and i finally on my comp to updaaate blog. :D. Half of my hw not done. Tmr got art, idgaf. Aiya, maths also not done, tskk , idgaf liao. Idk & lazy do . K, then as usual went schl with jody,rachel&eunice todaaay. Whole morning was like '***hao' to rachel. LOL ttm. Den reached schl le strted pouring. Den donid assemble, str8 go class. :D. Den lisa was like talking alotalot , and i listening but suddenly someone shouted my name out of th class den i look at window is boon and someone. At first i tot is 1E1 malay girl , but actually was tricia. Den i diao wrong person, trololol. k , then had PE today. Played floorball. Lynn,minhui,evan&ht was like anyhow hit th ball and i was running like a szb arnd th hall , but nehmind. Train 2.4 mah , LOL. k then, today gt sci practical , siandaozxc -.- . Aft tt got 1&half hr el , sian . But when coming up th stairs , we all camped at th stair for like 5 mins, awesome not 1E2. But that sherin thomas go rush up & tell esther. Tmdccb , si black dog. -.- Zzzzz. Den survived thru lessons, last 2 period is music, went macworld. (Y) hahhaha , was like laughing till my stomach pain with ht at thr , playing all sorts of indian song & accidently took an unglam picture of ht , hahaha wtfh trololol . Den we all dk how to delete it, den was like laughing like szbs. Den aft tt 1.50 went for maths makeup lesson till 2.50 , aft tt went slack awhile at class den went home with May. Otw home was like 'Chester-ing' to him. lol siaozxc right. k , done posting, kthxbai. :]

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