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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Helloooo. Today sho fun sia. Had lessons , then aft schl had meeting @ MRL with esther and those radiodeejayyys. Den aft tt slacked in canteen with Evan, Lynn, Hh, Ht and wait for Shirlin to release frm CCA. Went out minimart to buy eat. Aft that we wnt back schl & started on our lit project. Dn hh go take spagehtti go put in my hair until like joss stick liddat, lol.Den band membrs came down , like wtf -.- That jy come ask me why i bo go band then i say i wn see mdm khong nxt wk , she come say what , ' i bettr see u nxt wk ' . See mah lanjiao sibo. Rofl. If i appear, i make sure i chop off mah head okay -.-. Dn met up w Shirlin & went out bball court slack. At first sho damn peaceful , was like chatting w hh they all. Den aft tt chaos. We ran all around to chase tl and we sprayed perfume and water on his bag. LOL. Den i go squeeze paint on his pencil case whn he not arnd. Den aft tt , he came back , we all pack up and zao. LOL. He ws like freakingfreaking angry. He clenched his fist & whole face red sia. Den we chiong across traffic light right , he see red light , and alot car , he also chiong sia , omgzxc, den we ran all th way like speed liddat to a block and wnt up 13th floor. Den aft tt we called him and said sorry , he like okok liao , but fb he say watch out on monday, LOLLA. He come find us is no problem , th problem is tt he ltr complain to ms tan or schl we cfm gg,.com.sg -_-. Zzzz, cfm call parents , if nt detention or else suspension. Cos this is bullying sia , omg lol. But nvm , if die , only me , evan and lynn die. Duwan drag others down . They bo do anything uh. expt hh spray wtr & perfume. But nvm , she diff class we dw she kena drag dwn. Den aft tt went wm slacked awhile , meet up w ht/hh's church fren ? k , then me,lynn and evan went home while they all slackslack. #praythatTLwontcomplain. k , heheheh gtg bai.

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