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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heyhai, i seriously have to post this, cos today was freaking awesome you knw. :D Morning routine as usual , den reached schl 7, survived thru lessons until MT, totally went crazy . Lynn, vanessa and tengchao needa get outta of th class cos yan li told them. Den lynn ask me and evan go pei them, so was fooling arnd, throwing stuffs & shouting until yan li ask us to get out. :D Heheheheh, den so th fun okay , yan li ask me and evan go the lift there but lynn , van and tc outside class. Den evan and me was pointing middle finger across the class & evan, lynn and van was dancing indian dance, like LOL SERIOUSLY. HAHAHA. Den aft class, yan li ask us to write our parents no down cos she want call , all of us wrote our OWN number. Ahahahah, awesome siol , LOL. Den aft schl went meet esther for the deejay thingy , den slacked at canteen with Shirlin, Evan, Lynn, Huiting, Huihong & Teckteck. At first was like tryna do lit proj de , but ended up me and hh was like splashing water at each other, LOL. And we both "BATHED" lololol! okayyyy , den aft tt me and hh was like gossiping about ****** all the way from 3 plus till 5 while th rest doing lit proj , Haahahah, awesome ikr. Geez , den aft that 5 plus mr yeo ask us go hm , went outside th basketball court there to play truth or dare while eating. Was like a fun okay , den ran arnd , having funnnn, hahahha, (Y) awesomest day okaaaaay. Den next mon have floorball interclass competition , jiayous yo 1E2. ;). Okaaay , gtg bye. :D

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