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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Heyhai. Yesterday school was fine, early morning lisa go check socks alr. Luckily i pull up high high like soccersocks , ahahah . Den yani , evan & ht kena caught , need call parents + write 100 word essay , wtfh seriously . Lisa is so free isit ? -.- Zzzz. Den had lessons, failed my maths test by 1 mark , pcb . Zzzz , den lynn and evan still fighting den all come find me , seriously so fucking depress man. -.- . Den aft schl pon band and went slacking with Tricia and Evan. Went frolick. Den saw Yi min & kimberly. Hmmmm , den slacked till 2 plus then Evan go le. Heart to heart talk with tricia till 4plus den went hm. Then today woke at 10 plus. Prepared to go out with sis to Bugis. Den at cck interchange meet up with mummy and went. Shopping spree man. Bought some tops den iphone assesories and stuffs. Ahahaha. Broke alr. :D . Den aft tt trained down to Somerset for lunch. Den went home. k then now chionging my cmp, gtg bye,

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