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Monday, July 4, 2011

Horrible life. _l_

Ohai. Yesterday was fucking horrible k. -.- Want go yewtee den kena accuse say i go meet someone. Cb sia. I just want go buy my phone cable nia sia. Fkyoulah. I dont have dad k. I took him a dead. I bet, without him, i'll be HAPPIER. I swear. I dont mind being poor or whatever, as long as i dont have sucha fucking dad who accuse his own daughter. Zzzzz. Den end up he say what, give u 15minutes go buy. Fk u, no mood alr eh. Den sua. Bo go. Went at night with mom. Fk sia. I no freedom or what. 13 years old cannot even go yewtee. Im not 3. Asshole. Den nothing much happened. Today bo go USS cos mum gt meetin at 6pm. Zzzzzz. FUCK SIA! Den postpon to next sat. Zzzzz seriously. Fml. It sucks k. -.- So many unwanted things happening. How i wish i wasnt even borned. I bet i dont need to suffer. -.- Kthxbai.

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