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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hellos. Sorry lack of updates nowadays. Was busy with school. Uhm, school was fine, Nothing really happen nowadays. Seriously band is getting on my nerves. I suddenly thinks that fall in is awesome. But learning how to play and read scores was like pure hard and like wan giv up leh. I rather join infocomn or smth else. 1 week 1 time only sia. :/ Haish. Den today woke up late. Woke at 6am. LOL. K , den prepared and went to school with Jody, Rachel, May and Jer. Den same thing happened. Had PE. Today play what power ball. Then i go touch tio that sherin thomas's hand, eww sia seriously. It smells okay. -.- Zzzzz. Then lesson ended. Had sci practical at 2.15 , awesome, was like joking and fooling around with Lynn and Evan. HAHAHA. Seriously, its fun, wasting all the acid and stuffs, hoho. :P Then stayed back at canteen waiting for tricia. Den walkwalkwalk, went home with rachel and boon, tricia go to hh. Fine ah. -.- Den was like gossiping about ____ all the way till westmall. Ahahah. Seriously. I fucking hate liars. Then just now was like talking bout _____ to boon. Den like boon ask me to ask this ask that. -.- End up accuse me stuffs that i bo say one. Den push blames to me, ownself at there act innocent. Puabye ah. -.- Sua. Now fightfightfight lo. Ccb. No mood ah, kthxbai. -.-

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