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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

311011 (Y)

okayyhi. so basically today was fun. heh. k so woke at 11. then bathed and lunched then headed to wm to slack with may. then also asked evangeline along. then we headed to lunch @ koufu. Then headed to cinema to see what movie can we watch. but then saw people we shouldnt see. then like yeah dw alr. then headed to dvd shops to see whut movie can we buy to watch tmr. but ended up neh buy. then yuzhen and minhui and vanessa came. then yeh, yuzhen and may wanna go yewtee. so yeah left me poh,tan and khoh. :B. heh then we head to soghurt. had our yoghurt then went to vanessa's house to do her phone cos her phone cnt on, but then fail. den headed back to wm, went to arcade. :3. fun time there. memories. heh. look on top the pic. we took neoprints. :). and we played ddr and more. hahaha, today was freaking fun i swear. best outing i've ever had. (Y). heh okay. so yeah. then headed to make keychain tgt aft that trained back yt to meet sis for dinner. and yeah aft dinner home. then now skyping with poh and whatsapping with poh, khoh and tan. hahha love them ttm. k so yeah ciaos. =)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

heyyyyyyy. look at the toppppp. real eyes. realize. real lies. hahaha true much. and the cookie monsterrrrs. fugging cute. :D. HEH. okay so yeah today went out to lot1 with sis? actually going town but yeah.......she was being lazy. kfuck. then bought gongcha, the person there gives a lj attitude. haish. this kind of attitude then dont fucking work lah, go home and sleep la hor. lameshit. :D. Heh so yeah remembered that tmr have no school. :D the best thing bout tday is tht tomorrow have no schl. woooootxzc. heh and alsoooo, tue, yani vanessa and evan will be coming mah hse for movie. ^-^ heh cant wait!! gona have fun yawwwwwwww. kciaos. :)

baby you light up my world like nobody else.

heywhaddup. now using my new laptop to update this. :3. hmm so basically, today was fucking awesome. woke at 1.11pm, hohoho. then lunched, aft that headed down to wm. watch 2359 with mom, it was kinda scary. then aft tt dad came. queue at M1 to get number. then walked arnd, slackslack, went to harvey norman. actually dad wanna buy me iPad, but then ended up bought this laptop. hahahaha. red eh awesome. k thanks dad. :D then arnd 8plus went back M1. k then slack outside for fucking long, then our turn le, bought iphone 4S, then went back yt for dinner @ arnd 11. :3 lateeee. heheh then k homed and now blogging, gona shutdown soon and charge my lappy, hehh k ciaos. :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

haiii. today out with may. actually wanted to go and work but yeah lazy and in additional, the fucking uncle is a pedophile LOL. k hmmmm so headed to lot 1. then walked around and slacked. Saw things we shouldnt see, yeah. And met alice, nicole and her friends @ rooftop. slacked awhile. then saw ehem ehem. k then walked arnd again, sibei sian one. aft tt headed to stagmont. Slacked there and prank call ppl hahahhaa. then called tricia and laughed our assout. LOL. hmmm then anson came. me went home. k and sis saw smth which she shouldnt see too. fuck. k nvm -.- ciaos? :)


ksuppp imma update this before i slp k hehe. so basically, 271011 (Y) today was awesome. as usual, went to schl with they all. then had maths lesson @ comp lab and followed by 'pe' lesson @ music room, watching the king and i. hahaha. had freaking much fun w huiting, raping each otherr. k sound superb wrong. :3 then aft recess had prize giving ceremony. yeapppp then 11.15 back to class. no teacher for a total 1h siol until 12.15 . awesome much. hahaha then was fooling all arnd the class and bullying ehem k dowan mention names k badbad. :B. hhahah then mrs pan gave results......... k wasnt really please w it but yeah promoted. 61st position among whole level? k th fuck it sucks. and at least i gotten mah 3As. WOOT. :D hahahaha k no wait to be precise, everyone was promoted -.- LOL. hmmmm then dismissed @ 1.15. lunched and headed down to acm. in th bus was like partying, having freaking lotta fun and kartriding w rachel theyall. hmm then reached acm. boring like helll. but managed to complete the freaking ws at arnd 3 plus then headed back school. onces agn, in th bus, freaking fun la can. was like singing paramore songs all th way and hardcore headbanging with yani, poh, vanessa and rachel. hahahaha funshits. :D love them looooads. (Y). then reached schl at 4.30? slacked at study corner w evan, vt, yani and rachel. talk all th way bout EHEM k. heheh then bused dwn to gombak @ 530 while evan took 176. :3 then yeah homed at arnd 6. bathed and dinner thn rotted all the way.  i swear today was frigging awesome ttm hehhe. k chaos. (:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

grab somebody sexy tell 'em hey.

whudduppppp guys. ystd went to schl, nothing rlly happened. then aft schl went to vk's house w may and jody. hmmm. then homed at arnd 6 plus. heh basically today was a holiday and yea so rotted at home th whole day until night, went to lot. dinner at pizzahuttttt. :D then bought a mickey cover fer mah phone. yeah then homed and now blogging. prepared for tmr's schl. and excited for acm. :D hahahahah thanks to poh they all. weeee. k so yeah ciaos. :D

Monday, October 24, 2011

it's been days.

heyyyyall. updating this before i slp so lets strt. umm basically today i pon w may,jody and zhen. and yeah then trained down to wm interchange to meet tricia at 1plus. k then waited for may, jody and zhen to come interchange from poly then headed to wm , was actually gona find chester w may d but sadly he's home. then nvm and we headed to library to slack for awhile and walked arnd wm. then jody went down to meet jacky and headed off. and yesh, unluckily, we saw them. yesh, humans. kthen as per normal nth much hpn. then th rest headed to mah hse. movied and ordered pizza. lunched and then they went off at arnd 6. then packed up mah house yes its in a mess hoho. then otp w may,tricia and vanessa seperatelyyy. then k done. so tmw gona go schl soooo ya. andand mrs pan called mah mom and asked why didnt i go to schl hohoho. :3 luckily mah mom's smart heh ;) okay so gdn9 yall. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

You're not a judge but if you're gona judge me, then sentence me to another life

hey suppppp. sunday alrd leh. k and its like gona 11pm alr? D: school's in a few hours time but yeah. okay sooo just now went to book tour with dad and mom. and then headed to plaza sing to get mah phone changed. hehhhh, its alrd changed. :3 hope this one wouldnt spoil ? teehee. so yeah then headed to yt for late dinner. and homed half an hour ago. anw, bought a portable iphone battery case. can change mah phone one. hehehe. andand tmw gona skip schl yayyyyy. :D. okay nothing maddup nawww. ciaos. :D

You said good morning when it's midnight.

supppp its 1.11am now while typing this hehhh. okay currently still at mom's office? ikr its late and imma not asleep and in addition imma out. :3 hehh okay so basically today was like a boring only. woke at 12? k haha late but awesome much huh. then yeah bathed and heading to yt w mom. lunched and yeah bought black cl then home. heh thanks mommy for the cl. :D. heckyeah so rotted at home till arnd 8 plus, then headed out to westmall. dinner at swensen while mom and dad went to buy i4 white. like a jealous only! white is totally aweeeesome. ): hehh but nvm. k then errrrr headed to mom's office. was slacking here sinces like 10 plus? :3 she's packing things as her office needa renovate then yeah. so havent done packing pfft. me wanna sleeeep leh. D: haish, k i guess she's gona be done sooooon? hmmmm tmw's sunday. like a fucking day. monday hab schl , hope tht mrs pan wouldnt confiscate mah phone k. praypraypray. :3 uhh so yeah ending here k ciaos. :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thats what makes you beautiful .

ohkhai. gona update bfore my lappy dies k. so today woke at 9 with a sorethroat. was late! so grabbed medicine, bathed, then rushed over to meet jody, may and chester @ yt mrt at 9.45. then trained down to bedok. reached at 11.11pm HAHA. then had our brunch at mac. it was raining freaking heavily and so we're unable to head down to ecp. so slacked arnd at bedok. then bus-ed to an unknown bus stop LOL. in th end cab down to ecp mac. met vanessa they all. gave us bueysong looks? kcan fine. then sua. may,jody,chester and me slacked at coffee bean awhile, getting ourselves dry as we walked in the rain. like srsly this fucking rain spoilt EVERYTHING. pfft. -.- thn dry alr, headed to taxi stand, k wet agn tsk. then cab back to bedok. precisely, we're wasting our fucking time going down to ecp just to see their faces? -.- k thn headed to cck, gongcha-ed, watched Johnny English Reborn, then headed home. uh, blocknose+sorethroat, thfuck. awesomelife huh. -.- . hmmm so whaddup now. imma bored and i guess tmw's gona be a stay-home-sat? ergh see how k anw, gona end here k.
Sayonara. (:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Forcing laughters , faking smiles ?

ohai , pon tday again hehe. was too lazy to wake up for schl and to be precise, it was cos of my phone also , srsly dw my phone to b confiscated uh , like wtf i cant live without it ? Youtube, twitter, fb, its all inside , i mean like yknow ? k lol. hmmm thn tmw promotionday , hol . thn next wk depavali ? then nxt fri semo parents day ): confirm complain all sai to mom one zzzzz. firstly whut , nevr pay attention , then racist to sherin , then fold skirt, socks, then lie, then phone, vandalise table, haish , never ending complains ? LOL. k uh im so boreddd. tmw gg ecp w/ may, chester like duh, and jody. and also yea, most of the boys in class and also vanessa they all. hope that we're gona have fun or smth? banlee said whut if jody go, he would go home. like wtf, whats wrong w jody srsly. she's awesome ok. AWESOME. hahhaha k nothing much up so yeah gonna slp early gdnight. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

let the rain wash away, all the pain of ytd.

hoi whaddup. its been awhile sinces i changed mah blogsong & templates uhuh. gona do it soon k rlly soon. was freaking busy with eoy these days. D: hmmm, so yeah. gotten back mah results, was sucha disappointment uh. :( english got 30/60 first in class and i guess only wk and me pass? aiya nth to b proud of anw. then mt 52/70, improved, 2nd in class but wasnt rlly satisfied uh. anw, imma not planning to take hmt nxt yr. too stress. then geog 53/100...? ok it was freaking low and after the change of chers, mah interest in geog was like... yknow i even slept in class.. HAHA k badass. okay thn maths, 58, sci 56, lit failed by 1.5 marks and history 60. k all borderlines ikr. Bs and Cs in mah report bk? mati onleh. ): hmmmmm, anw, haven add up overall whut so no worries HAHAHA. self-cheering-up. heh. okay so ytd was like freaking unlucky? The fucking relief teacher took my phone away thn told me to collect it from mrs pan? So yea, she told me t go home and take out th sim card first. Then today give it to her , but yenno i pon schl huh HAHA. okay and mayb tmw gona pon too. k hahaha bad right. but go schl also nth to do so yeah.. okay so gona end this here, kbye . :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

moves like jaggger.

supppppppp. ok so ytd was my last paper art, didnt do rlly well i guess? Thn ms fun stand beside me and look see look see. not naise huh. Then had pizza in class spons by mrs pan aft paper. Woot. Took a piece then chionged down to meet clique and headed to lot1 except jer. Bought ticks for realsteel, then slacked and lunched w/ them @ foodcourt. Went in theatre at 1.50 and we started screaming and making lotta noise and our laughters filled the whole cinema lul. then everyone was like 'shhhhhh/shutup la'. LOL. Then movie started, we sat at the last row so yea we laughed and laughed and everyone was like turning back. like an awkward only ikr.  hahaha but its awesome. ok, basically reelsteel is frigging awesome and max aka dakota(?) is hot. Atom is like the coolest robot in the movie eh pleaseeee. Heh. k then slacked at smiggles w/ 3 sexys, van, may and jody while the rest homed alrd. Fast uhuh. Then aft tt homed too. So yeah, today pon schl as it was about err what flight and aviation whut shit. like please ms lim, my ambition is not to be a pilot dont frigging waste my friday going back school to see you and ur cca luh -.- . okay so literally the WHOLE clique pon except VT,ZY,Rheena,Mheena i guess. Even yvette also pon siol, amazing huh. Then was woke up by jody's text at 10 plus. :x. then tweet and youtube all the way till now and blogged. heheheh. k later gona meet up with rachel and may to slack yea. luckily it's not a stay-home-fri. hehehhe. okay so yeah gtg prepare chaos. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ignorance is your new bestfriend.

dupdup, its been like fives days since i didnt touch up mah blogger? heh sry peeps was kinda busy revising for eoys. :( anw tmrw would be the last paper, art so yeah i dont have to revise any shit or stuffs huh. k so yea, outta all the papers, i guess, only maths paper 2 & geog is screwed huh. =/ the rest was pretty good except probably mt or lit? hais. but maths paper 1 is fucking easy. i think at least can score 30-40+. hehahah. so many will hlp pull up overall or smth. So yeah, today went brunching w rach,may and jody @ koufu. then went jody's house with rabbit and duh jody for awhile. we'all quarrelled w may over small things at twitter. zzz if you know then gd, dono then dont ask k not rlly a pleasant thing to say. hmmm anw now we've settled alrd. Hmmm, so aft tt home to shower while rabbit is still @ jody's house. Ok then went to meet rach,jody, alice after that and rachel went off meet fayee and the rest headed to stadium. :b. ran for 2 rounds, then went gym. hmmm, aweshome workout hehe was like fun, then jody kept on tweeting and tweeting only. trololol. was tired too. :3  kcan, then homed. bathed. and yeah now blogging. tmw mayb going movie w cliques. but need stayback for whut pizza spon by mrs pan? wts. idw. but if i just walk out, like a awkward only. heh see the situation tmw bah k can nothing muchdup, okay so shall end here bai!

Friday, October 7, 2011


da jia hao.sry for the dead blog for five days? was supahultraduper busy revising for eoy, good girl right heh. okay so far eoy was pretty okay. so far so gd. 4 more papers to go but i felt like exam's over alrd. HEH shhhh. So decided to use comp :3. Hmmm. Geog paper was a total disaster for like lots of people? hmm, everything i revised didnt come out. shaglife. ):  then maths paper 2 too, it was frigging hard and i guess i'll fail it huh. then el , mt and history was fineee. pretty good huh. anw, flunked mah history saq, totally dk howta do i meant like only a few questions i know which is like 2 marks 3 marks? hahaha i think i gota score low marks for tt sect. wts. yeah so next wk will be sci, lit, maths ppr 1 and art. 14th oct, imma waitin. :3. Anw, ytd went jer's house for partyinggggg. Sort of partying luh. With jody, nessa and may, obviously jer is there. then went horny over the song im sexy and i knw it. uhuh hahaha. thn homed at arnd 6. was raining. shared umbrella with may so yeah.
Today went mac breakfast w jody, may they all uh. sadly, only jody they all get to have breakfast. we had lunch. soooooo yeah. then jacky went to jody's house u know. ehemehem. heh kidd. then jer home. me and may went home firsttttt to bath then headed to rachel's house @ 1 plus. slacked all th way then went yt for foooood. then back to rachel's house and slacked, was kartriding all th way heh. its too addictive uhuh. hmm then homed yeah and now blogging. heh. so gona end this up nw bye (:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Who do you think you are?

yooooooo. went lot 1 this afternoon for gongcha, yeap just for gongcha hahaha. :D then at night went westmall for Sogurt with mom and sis. it was a w e s o m e. (Y) Ahahahahah. k then something funny happened. I slide the stuffs I bought down the whole escalator @ MRT and the group of guy infront was like wtf. because it hit them. SO YEAH. instead of going to pick it up, me and sis was like laughing non-stop lol and the group of guy, k not guy, banglah huh. kinda black lah aiya, pointed fingers at us so yeah fuck their whole family uhuh -.- . k then homed and revised abit for geog. ummm precisely it took 1h for a few chapts. take note, a FEW. uhuhh slow progressing hais, gona fail for sure. ): okay so this post is short and idgaf. gona end here and gota sleep. its getting dark now k chaos people.