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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Who do you think you are?

yooooooo. went lot 1 this afternoon for gongcha, yeap just for gongcha hahaha. :D then at night went westmall for Sogurt with mom and sis. it was a w e s o m e. (Y) Ahahahahah. k then something funny happened. I slide the stuffs I bought down the whole escalator @ MRT and the group of guy infront was like wtf. because it hit them. SO YEAH. instead of going to pick it up, me and sis was like laughing non-stop lol and the group of guy, k not guy, banglah huh. kinda black lah aiya, pointed fingers at us so yeah fuck their whole family uhuh -.- . k then homed and revised abit for geog. ummm precisely it took 1h for a few chapts. take note, a FEW. uhuhh slow progressing hais, gona fail for sure. ): okay so this post is short and idgaf. gona end here and gota sleep. its getting dark now k chaos people.

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