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Thursday, September 29, 2011

left alone.

supppppppo. today was elearning. it shucks except the part where i dont have to wake at 5 and prepare for school heh and yeah its at home so freedom. so woke at 8, just on time for elearning, not too late neither early. so brushed up and yeap, on lappy and started work. chionged sci and maths. like obviously duh i anyhow do la HAHA and all scored v low. hohoho. then when break time, bathed and may came. rotted on fb and twitter while waiting for geog and mt assignment to come out at 12 plus huh. then zhen came over , laughed like crazeee then yeah left. and now yknw imma blogging. too bored. hmmmmm so gota go soon. meeting rachel, fayee, jody for lunch i guess. so yeah. andandand tmw gort schooool hais. D:  but yeah eoy coming, cannot pon uhuh. and yeah settling stuffs with gillian tmw hehhehehe, got show to watch alr LOL. ok so bad. :x and next tue is geog paper. k thfug imma not prepared at all. anw ending here bai.

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