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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

shawty with you under the mistletoe.

yippieyawwwwwww. yesterday as usual, morning routine. Survived through lessons and yeah i slept during geog and mr lee didnt realise a shit, like a cool only heh. andand, gotten back maths test, 22/40. yay i passed it? unbelievable or whut! HAHA. then geo test 10/20. just pass. lucky much hahahah. So yeah, settled that hh stuff during lunch. Then may pangseh me go detention and yesh guess whut, i had to go maths supp. hais. did dono whut test and gone through papers. like a boring only. eyes alrd half close while typing this heh. hmmm. then ended at almost 5 wtf ms toh ah ms toh, always love to keep us back -.-Then may pangseh me go with chester then yeah went frolic with gillian.... errr yeah no mistake, gillian. we talked alot, and she said she was naturally cuteee? then she asked me to go and like her photos and status, i meant like LOL? buey hiao bai uh. then she said whut she thinks that she's more famous then hh , i mean like wtf who cares? -.- then whut keep gossiping bout may, jody and vk like okay? she's purely dumb and she thought i would kept it as a secret within me and her. like please uh, they my clique members and in addition , im closer to them than you uh. then also say whut jer step one fierce? the fuck? Then kp about ashlyn, amanda? LOL? Aiya. You perfect la k. Wtf. Then homed at 7. Then today gave school a miss. Went doct at 11 plus. Then homed. Revised geog for the whole day. Yeah, productive day. :D hehehhee, nothing much now. Tmr elearning, it gotta be awesome as we all dont have to wake at 5 to prepare for schl hehhek gtg bye.

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