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Friday, September 16, 2011

"I think im ugly, and nobody wants to love me, just like her i wanna be pretty, i wanna be pretty. Dont lie to my face, becaus i know im ugly." Ugly 2E1. (Y)

 harlo. TGIF. finally. a week has past like in just a blink of eyes andand EOY is just in 17 days @#$%^&. 2 weeks plus nia. shitasszxc. ): hmm. then yesterday nth much. stayed back in class wit bunny, junjie, tc, vanessa, mh, chongjun, iqbal, jon, fadz, iman. den arnd 3 plus a few left for home/cca den only left w me, vanessa, bun, jj & chongjun. did our homeworks den bunny go lock us in the class for quite sometime. -_-. k, then went hm w them arnd 5plus. then hmmm. today skipped cca again. then aft that went for meetings and stuff den straight home. guai hor. yea, then next week thur e-learning. no school aye. (Y). yeap. so nth much to talk about alr. goooooodbai.

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