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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh hai peoples. Today was extremely fun. Went out with jody t cwp. Den went we reached cwp, jody was like 'Shermaine, wheres my phone..? Did u took it?' and i was like 'huh, chillchill. no?' lolol. and she was like damn worried and awkward , lool. den she said she left it in the toilet at ytp & she duwan go back take, lolol. den we done our second piercing. (Y). It looks awesome ttm and also pain ttm. LOL and jody was like grabbing my hand ? hahahaha. then we trained down to lot 1. went for neoprint. you look on top and you'll see k. and the second pic, the awcw. is obviously anson wong. lolol. jody ah jody.. tsk. okok change topic.
hmmmm. then we slacked awhile and we trained down to yewtee to have our dinner at mac. :) slacked until 7.20 plus when my phone went dead and we went home. hoho. had so much fun today. :P and ive started enjoying the holidays without even start on my homework. i know im awesome,  hahahaha. lets end this yo. :D bye.

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