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Sunday, September 4, 2011


Harlo people. Im bored so yeah, back here blogging. Hmmmm. I literally rotted at home today. Did nothing at all. Was twitting and facebooking the whole day. I know, its a waste of time, but im just too lazy and moodless to even start on my homework. But yeah, i started on abit. Too lazy to even do those open-ended, yeap. So its blank. :D hohoho. Tomorrow's monday already. Starting of the sept holiday. Im worried. Really worried. I dont want to holidays to end fast. Im tired of school. Seriously tired. Frigging stressed up, worried. I worried about firstly, band, secondly EOY and thirdly homework. Yeap, band doesnt allow me to quit and wants my parent to go and see the vp. Hmmm, i dont think mom would really go to school to see vp. And yes, i dont wish to go back band. Best is no cca luh. Hais. Secondly, eoy. Holiday end = Eoy soon. Tsk. I scared my grades will drop. I havent been studying well these days. Wasnt even paying attention in class at all. And i failed like all the lit and maths test. I hope i wouldnt fail them as on major exam. Yeap. Thirdly, homeworks. I havent been doing my homework well lately. I have been copying all around. This isnt good, shermaine. You aint gona learn anything. hoho. okay, so yeah. i dont plan to do homework yet. tsktsk. and wed & thur have to go back school. hais. life sucks. im worrying, worrying and still worrying. :(. wokkay. ive decided something. i will start achieving my goal from today onwards thank to pohminhui. She's always there to give me advice and stuffs, i really love her. She's a good friend y'know. She never fails to motivate me. Yes, although she is somehow sensitive and screwed and she'll be fucking here and there, but she never fails to cheer me up. She's the best of the best. I hope she'll be there for me forever. Yes, i duwan to lose her. (Y). Okay, gtg. byes.

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