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Monday, September 5, 2011

hohoho. effyeah.

Heck yeah peepol. Today didn't manage to follow and try achieving my goal, but yeah. tomorrow. I will. hmmm. today was kinda busy. actually planned to go out with friends or else is to complete my homework, but yeah. End up went out to Kbox with mum. Went to the woodlands one. Hmmm. then aft that, we went to Cwp and had dinner Ate at mahata fish market. Idk how spell. o-o. yeah, so aft that trained back to yt. bought my contact lens and went home. It's tue tmr alr. Have not even started on maths homework. Shit. Dead. Wed need hand in. Gosh. Gona chiong tmr. K, end this naw. bye. :)

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