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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Harlo peoples out there who is still breathing . :D Hmmmm, yeahhh whaddup. Nothing much today. Had maths supp. So went t school around 8.15 with May. Yeah, so slacked till 9am at th canteen with minhui and may, blasting songs and copying homework yeaaaah. Heh. So yeah, actually supp ends at 12. But cher need bring people go out schl or shit , so ended at 11pm. Then slacked at canteen until 12.30pm w my two babies, minhui and may and then may went off alr. :( . Me and minhui chionged homework until 1, then after that went to the study corner t kinda 'emo'. Talking bout past, yeah really sad. Yeap. So chatchat until 2 plus den went home. I so guai right hahah. Tmr going another day of maths supp then gona stayback agn , weee. wokkaaay. its already wed. shitasszxc. didnt even do my hmwrk and holiday's coming to an end? fvck kay. so yeaa, nothing much up. gtg ciao.

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