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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

311011 (Y)

okayyhi. so basically today was fun. heh. k so woke at 11. then bathed and lunched then headed to wm to slack with may. then also asked evangeline along. then we headed to lunch @ koufu. Then headed to cinema to see what movie can we watch. but then saw people we shouldnt see. then like yeah dw alr. then headed to dvd shops to see whut movie can we buy to watch tmr. but ended up neh buy. then yuzhen and minhui and vanessa came. then yeh, yuzhen and may wanna go yewtee. so yeah left me poh,tan and khoh. :B. heh then we head to soghurt. had our yoghurt then went to vanessa's house to do her phone cos her phone cnt on, but then fail. den headed back to wm, went to arcade. :3. fun time there. memories. heh. look on top the pic. we took neoprints. :). and we played ddr and more. hahaha, today was freaking fun i swear. best outing i've ever had. (Y). heh okay. so yeah. then headed to make keychain tgt aft that trained back yt to meet sis for dinner. and yeah aft dinner home. then now skyping with poh and whatsapping with poh, khoh and tan. hahha love them ttm. k so yeah ciaos. =)

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