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Friday, October 21, 2011

Thats what makes you beautiful .

ohkhai. gona update bfore my lappy dies k. so today woke at 9 with a sorethroat. was late! so grabbed medicine, bathed, then rushed over to meet jody, may and chester @ yt mrt at 9.45. then trained down to bedok. reached at 11.11pm HAHA. then had our brunch at mac. it was raining freaking heavily and so we're unable to head down to ecp. so slacked arnd at bedok. then bus-ed to an unknown bus stop LOL. in th end cab down to ecp mac. met vanessa they all. gave us bueysong looks? kcan fine. then sua. may,jody,chester and me slacked at coffee bean awhile, getting ourselves dry as we walked in the rain. like srsly this fucking rain spoilt EVERYTHING. pfft. -.- thn dry alr, headed to taxi stand, k wet agn tsk. then cab back to bedok. precisely, we're wasting our fucking time going down to ecp just to see their faces? -.- k thn headed to cck, gongcha-ed, watched Johnny English Reborn, then headed home. uh, blocknose+sorethroat, thfuck. awesomelife huh. -.- . hmmm so whaddup now. imma bored and i guess tmw's gona be a stay-home-sat? ergh see how k anw, gona end here k.
Sayonara. (:

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