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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ignorance is your new bestfriend.

dupdup, its been like fives days since i didnt touch up mah blogger? heh sry peeps was kinda busy revising for eoys. :( anw tmrw would be the last paper, art so yeah i dont have to revise any shit or stuffs huh. k so yea, outta all the papers, i guess, only maths paper 2 & geog is screwed huh. =/ the rest was pretty good except probably mt or lit? hais. but maths paper 1 is fucking easy. i think at least can score 30-40+. hehahah. so many will hlp pull up overall or smth. So yeah, today went brunching w rach,may and jody @ koufu. then went jody's house with rabbit and duh jody for awhile. we'all quarrelled w may over small things at twitter. zzz if you know then gd, dono then dont ask k not rlly a pleasant thing to say. hmmm anw now we've settled alrd. Hmmm, so aft tt home to shower while rabbit is still @ jody's house. Ok then went to meet rach,jody, alice after that and rachel went off meet fayee and the rest headed to stadium. :b. ran for 2 rounds, then went gym. hmmm, aweshome workout hehe was like fun, then jody kept on tweeting and tweeting only. trololol. was tired too. :3  kcan, then homed. bathed. and yeah now blogging. tmw mayb going movie w cliques. but need stayback for whut pizza spon by mrs pan? wts. idw. but if i just walk out, like a awkward only. heh see the situation tmw bah k can nothing muchdup, okay so shall end here bai!

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