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Friday, October 28, 2011


ksuppp imma update this before i slp k hehe. so basically, 271011 (Y) today was awesome. as usual, went to schl with they all. then had maths lesson @ comp lab and followed by 'pe' lesson @ music room, watching the king and i. hahaha. had freaking much fun w huiting, raping each otherr. k sound superb wrong. :3 then aft recess had prize giving ceremony. yeapppp then 11.15 back to class. no teacher for a total 1h siol until 12.15 . awesome much. hahaha then was fooling all arnd the class and bullying ehem k dowan mention names k badbad. :B. hhahah then mrs pan gave results......... k wasnt really please w it but yeah promoted. 61st position among whole level? k th fuck it sucks. and at least i gotten mah 3As. WOOT. :D hahahaha k no wait to be precise, everyone was promoted -.- LOL. hmmmm then dismissed @ 1.15. lunched and headed down to acm. in th bus was like partying, having freaking lotta fun and kartriding w rachel theyall. hmm then reached acm. boring like helll. but managed to complete the freaking ws at arnd 3 plus then headed back school. onces agn, in th bus, freaking fun la can. was like singing paramore songs all th way and hardcore headbanging with yani, poh, vanessa and rachel. hahahaha funshits. :D love them looooads. (Y). then reached schl at 4.30? slacked at study corner w evan, vt, yani and rachel. talk all th way bout EHEM k. heheh then bused dwn to gombak @ 530 while evan took 176. :3 then yeah homed at arnd 6. bathed and dinner thn rotted all the way.  i swear today was frigging awesome ttm hehhe. k chaos. (:

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