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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Supsup ? :D . Todaaaay was BORING. Went temple during the afternoon , den went aunt's house to give her things . Reachedd home arnd , 6 plus . :/ . Had dinner , den bathed. Now blogging and facebooking. Wthh sia. Rained whole dayy.. not fuun one . Cant go out. Den tmr school. OMG. Got lit test. :3. Deadeadeaaad . Den got swimming somemore . Hope it dont rain . I dont wanna spend th 1hr in school k . :/. I rather go swimming dd: . Den nothing much . Just updated class bloq , den mayb next week getting class tee lerr . Going order with Yaaaani . :D. Kaykaykay , done poosting . Byeb . [:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

HEYTHERE. :D. Sorry for not updating past few days. Too busy wit sch work . :/. Tons of homework . Haiish . But done alr. (: . Den had CIP on thur. Blahblah , walked whole sch do nothing. Ummm, den nothing really happened . Yesterday's band seriously , more like choir. We perfect th sound thingy . Next week can choose instrument , weeeee ! (: Ahaha . Must get sis to teach me th saxaphhhhone ;). Ehk , den tcher say i vandalize table whn i never . -'- . Heck care ah . Den nothing happened lor. Got new bed and sofaaaa. Next wed CNY celeb , can wear home clothes to sch . But no shorts. What fuck sia. :B. Den wear jeans suua . Gtg , bye.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yo. Today bored like HELL. ><. Went meeting Yvette, Nichelle, May,Regin,Jody today to gg sch. Reached sch arnd 8.05. Almost late siol . Den sit dwn at th parade square . Den got flys all over, wth. Then beside me , the form teacher , Ms tan, keep makinng th fly again when th national athem mah , den i keep on laughing. Somemore, its not song. Is the SL sing de. He sing till so passionate , seriously . Joker. LOL. Den i laughlaugh , Ms tan keep looking. LOL. Den i act blur whn she looked at me. :/ MUHAHA. Kay, den back class. First period deco th tables. Den lessons all th way , bored ttc except CMP :D. Teaacher went service , den got relief. Sho fun eh . Brought us go Comp lab to search smth at google. Instead of thatt , Lynn , Yani, Evangeline and me searched for our classmates name on google and then saw those, SHEXY pics. WTH. HAHAHA. Laugh like hell . (: Den teacher saw got th face , she oso laugh. LOL . Den dismissal at 1.30 . Had lunch. Maths supp 2.30 to 3.30. Borediemezxcc ~ Den textextext . Got back the diagnostic test . Got 33/50 . Like , so fuckedup . Band 4 scored better than some Band 2. Wtf ? LOL k. Den today lesson teach dk what cube root. Totaaally dont understaand. Den sua . Textextext ~ End 3.35 . Delay our time . -.- . Sua. Rush to yewt to find Zhen they all . Den went stag. Sudden rain. Den text miss go . Nb. Having meetin wit VP , den need rush go lesson ? Donwant meet us say la . -'- . Rush liao , nw say cnt. == Den went Gate D thr slack . Laugh like maddies. Den haz came. ;D. Omg, misher. (: Den talktalk. Wnt home. Tons of shitty homework . Den fell asleep for awhile. Lmao. Den homework . now comp (: . Kay, gtg.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Heyhey. Today bored ttm. :/ Woke up as usual. Prepared for sch. Den went meet Dewi. (: . Reached sch arnd 7 plus . Slacked at canteeen :). Den talktalk wit frens. Den when sing the national anthem , funny ttm lor . The song suddenly fast forward siol . Den nvm , technique prob. The SL sing out. Den, SING oso can sing wrongly. It should be SamaSama , he keep Samamamama . Wth. LOLOL. Im like, laughing like crazy. Den walked back class , den stupid old freako teacher caught my fringe . Like wth . Asked my name , i said , Shermaine. She keep saying , Si maine ? LOL. :/ Lmao. Den keep laughing. She said, Whats so funny ? :p. LOLOL. Den whateva la k . Gone thru lessons . Den last two period ish swimming . Bored ttm . Learned how to stand in waater and den swim like , whteva la k . Den end , went back sch . Den meet dewi . Wnt yewt . Ate at LJS while waiting for Zhen they all . Den saw jieying. Went mac and chatchat , den sua . Dewi sick . Went home lor. :/ Den saw my bag torn. WTHF. Sua , wanna buy new bag . (: . Kay , $60 bag gone. Tsktsk. -.- . Gtg (:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hellos. Yesterday was fine uh. Gone through those boring lesson except history. Miss lim was supah fun! (Y) . Jyeah. Den 12.45 dismissal. Stayed at class 1E1 with Jody. Watch her do stuffs while i msging.LOL.:P . Den 1.30 went for band. Dominic teach us fall in. Den followed by Mr Chng. 3 pupils went to the main band cos they alr know how to play.WTFH. :(. Den whatever . Blow the mouthpiece thingy. Den ended at 4.30 . Went home with Jody , Yani , Zaza . Den supah tired. Bathed ,facebook. Den slacked.:/ .. Today woke 10am. Facebook , den homework . After that ate brunch. Den now facebooking :D. Monday swimming,WTF. Okay, Den patched wit Job :D. Okay, gtggg.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hellos.Today kinda , shocked. Alot things happened. Woke up, den same. Meet them, den walked to sch. Den lessons.. Nothing much during schtime. Errrr, geo lesson almosts sleep. Alr closed eye sia. LOL. Den dismissal. Dewi said , she got scolded by Jobina. Whatever uh. Den textext Jobina. Asked her. In the end, argue. Now no fren.LOL. Sua lor. No fren , no fren. She so evil oso . Den went yewt . Meet Yuzhen , Laila , Carin , Shakira , Alice , Nicole , KeAn , Etc. Forget lo. Sorry. Den talked, den went lot1 collect cake for Vanesse's mom. Den went stagmont. Met Ummairah , Azura , Nicholas , Hira and those bballs . Den wanna go in KPS. Security dont allow, sua. Called Mr ANG. Cant go. WTH. Den sua. Go play block catching. in the end , neverplay. Walked whole 766. LO. Den saw Mdm tay and Mdm ong :). Nicholas go shout. Den just said hi , err , den went home. Homework , tv, fb :). Hehehe. Den something happened sia. Danielle's parents go tell th sch , den 1E1 teacher called Yvette , Nichelle . Den Danielle's mom go call Yuzhen , while th mom is crying. WTH. Crocodile tears ? (: . Den also called Nicole. Only me no tio. MUHAHAH ;P. Ohk lah , whatever . Gtg (:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hey there. Today sch so boring siol. Woke up , den prepared for sch. Den went yewt to meet Fad and den saw ShaoYing at MRT :). Chatchat , den reached gombak . Went to meet Dewi. Den walked to sch. Reached like 7.05am . Nth to do. Sit down thr, thinking of anything. :) Den had PE. Boring ttm lor . Runrunrun , den streching. Wth. Den science lesson. Get scolded for not having th note. Not i dont have, is i lost it. LOL. Den sua. Scold , embarrased me. LOL. Aft tht gt maths. Teaching all shits. Listenlisten , den recess. Aft recess , MT. Got spelling. Hellshitsia. Forget hw to write 2 words.. Sua . 80marks. Den reading period. Slacking all thway. Throwing staple bullets at LJJ and Iman. LOL.:p. Den they get scolded, muhahaha . Den after that , got science again. Blahhh. Den assembly. Went gym thr assemble. Den went to our CCA. Got in band . Danielle went Environmental club whn she put Band in th first choice. (Y) . LOLOL . Uhmmm, den listen to th briefing. Den dismissal. Lunch. Slacked wit Jody,Yvette,May,Nichelle and etc. Den band meeting. A lil on fall in . Den looked at th seniors , seriously . They sucks. LOL. Fail in falling in sia. LOL. Den went back class , listen to th Mr Chng , all rubbish. Blahblah. Den dismissal at 4.45 . Went minimart wit Jody. Den waited for Yvette to finish her netball. Haiish. Yani went netbal. But she transferring.:P. Ohk, done posting. Night (:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heyoo peepo. Woke at 9 . Den text Jody. She said she watching Doraemon. So i on tv , den watch oso lor . :P . Dont laugh hor. I know, childish..Just finished my homework, hahas. So, on comp. Actually wanna go swim der, but den sis duwan , den i oso felt lazy. And somemore raining.:P. Hehehe. Ltr gona go swimmingcomplex to buy th swimming costumes..Urgh.I donwant to go swimming. )):. Uh, tonight going lot 1 k :D. Texting , facebookinq now ((: Uhmmmm , nothing much happened. Ytd went shopping and den ate dinner near mom's workplace. Errr, tmrw gona see her again :D. Weeee , okays . Gtg . XD

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hellos.. Today woke 5.45 . Prepared for sch , den meet Fadz t yewt at 6.30 . Planned to meet Dewi at gombak at 6.40 . But didnt see her . Wtf. She panqseh us. Fine. Den walked to sch. Reached like 7. Err, den ppl keep asking me whad CCA i join. Suddenly Jobina go shout and ask me . Shocked sia. Den everyone looked at me. LOL.. She's way too loud. But i lioke, AHAHA . Den went class , home econs . Cooked honeydew sago. :P. I lioke cooking. But honeydew is way too shitty. Smelly sia, their one . Only th vanilla icecream ish nice! xD. Den went recess , aft tht lesson . AlmostALMOST. Fell asleep in eng class. SUPAH boring. );. Den dismissal. Had chicken burger for lunch. Thanks Fad for helping me to buy. :P. Den staye din class deco till 1.30 . Went band wit Vanessa , Sofrina , Yani , Jody , Danielle , ZAZA and idk . Den had fun . Really pathetic at th ending. They giv a pipe or smth. Den can make sound mah. i cant blow a shitout. WTF sia. -.- . Den forget it. Dismissal at 5 . Took bus wit Yani,sofrina and iskandar. Den went took mrt home <: . Reached hm 7. Bathed , dinner , hmwrk . :D Den comp . Den suddenly really sad. Smth happened to someone. Tsktsk. Den facebook til nw . <: Talking to peeps & Job (: . OKIE, Done posting , night :))

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hellos.(: . Today was fun . Woke up 6 , prepared for school . Reached 7.10 . Sat down . Den fadz say Jobina waved at me , uh . Didnt see :P. Den went maths , th test postponed to mon :)) . Den had mother tongue test , kinda easy . :)). Den eng , WTF. What Passive voice sia . i think i fail . All sec 1 standard , idk luh . -.- . Den art , did painting . Whole shirt all paint . Den played . Painted Iqbal's clothes . AHAHA . He so notty whad. LOL.Den dismissal at 1.30 . Didnt had luunch. Went Westmal wit Huiting and Davian , Vanessa and Jannah . Went thr to buy vanquards and etc for th deco . Den reached sch 3 . Started decorating. Uhm , quite nice. :P. Den Miss lim came in like at 5 . Errr , den gave us food. Oreos and cheesballs (: . Den done work , drawn at whiteboaard.Den went home.Reached like 6.30. Bathe . hmwrk den go lot 1 (:. Kkay, done posting, night .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hellos.Today woke 5.45am. Prepared for sch. Den went to meet Dewi at lot1 int wit Fad. Den go gombak . Walked to sch. Reached arnd 7am. Slacked at canteen awhilee . Den PE. Tired like hell -.- Den lessons till 1.30pm. Stayed back in sch wit Jody,Dewi,May,Danielle and Yvette. Yvette and Yani went netball . Den at 330 , th rest of us went to band room . Slacked thr. Den saw them fall out. :p. Den went class 3T1 , practised th breathing thingy for th instrument . Den blahblah, yani and yvette den joined arnd 4 . They were red like hell . LOL. Surely tired.:P. Den went yewt at 6 . Met Yuzhen awhile , den went home . Slacked , bathed , Dinner , Homework , :D. Now comp , kays. Fb gona close ? Like real luh . Kay , nowadays ppl at fb like so weird , suddnly so angry wit many ppl . LOL . k, gtg :D

Monday, January 10, 2011

Err,hellos!(: . Today had sch. Monday again! Woke up 6. Prepare for sch . Reached sch arnd 7.05 . Den met Dewi , Fad at th pianoo at th canteen thr . Chitchat for awhile , den back class . Pledge taking , etc . Den went back class . Had mother tongue . Everyone's file is yellow except mine is purple . But th teacher said purple oso can . D: So i go buy loh . Den maths lesson .
B-O-R-I-N-G . (: . Hahahas . Den , EL , den recess (; . Aft tht , Music . Went mac room . (: . All mac comps thr . Didnt get to use , MUHAHA. Lol . Aft tht got science , almost fell asleep. Tsktsk. Tmr got experiment ! Yayyyy ~ Den . PE lesssoon . Quite okay. Tiring. D:. Next week swimming -___- . Wth siool . Nvm , den dismissal . Meet up dewi , jody , may and fad . Went yewhtee tgt. Den went mac to meet Alice , Nicole with Dewi and Jody . <: . Had fun . Ate lunch and did homework . Den laughed like crazeh . Den went home (: . Bathe , text , Homework , comp :D . Okie , done posting. Bye (:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hellos. Wokeup at 11. Eat brunch , den comp , text whole day . Bathe , den went out at night. Shopping . Den dinner . Ummm , den took mrt home. Reached home 11pm . Meeting keith and dewi , etc for lunch on monday ! :D. Aimishthem ! (Y) . Den now supah pissed off by Lynn . -.- She said i love KM , one of my GL cos i asked him for numbo . Wtf ? Den i oso ask Jobina for numbr what . Den what ? We lesbo arh ? Cfm got peepol spread . And , if i love KM , i chop my head off. -.- . Okay, gtg.
Hellos. Today woke 6. Prepare for sch. Reached sch 7.20. Late. Jams all th way on th road. -.-. Den went class , so embarrased. Lessons all th way till 12.45pm . Den lunchhh , ice milo for lunch :) . Den changed , played , chat. Den gathered at 2.15 . Went up hall . CCA Orientation . Tsk. Last day to see th SCS. Luckily they got Fb ? :P. Den go back class arnd 5 . Did cheerings. Alot random peepol come in . I was stunned when i saw Jobina grabbing a guy and trying to , Kiss ? O_O . LOL. Den put our bags at sec 2's class rm . Went dinner. Ate chicken rice , provided. it sucks. Ummmm , den walked arnd , went toilet. Campfires , fun . :D. 1E2,1E2! ;D.
We shouted like as if we gona get killed . But didnt win. Sigh.. Wasted the SC's time to teach us these cheers ? ): . Ummm , den went home . Bathe , text . I think Jobina thinks that im a weirdo or lesb or pervert . I was jst askin her random questions cos i was BORED. And, she didnt reply. Mayb she's finding me weird ? Crazy ? Umm , im just curious. Well, she took me as a stranger, she didnt know who i am . >.> . Lol. Nvm, den tv , comp . Okie , 12.30am alr, gtg. Night :))

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hellos.Today woke up arnd 6.15am. Den prepare for sch. Went yewtee to meet May at 7.15 . Den waited with Jody for Yvette they all . Den alr 7.30 , so we go first . Den reach th bukit batok interchange at arnd 7.45. o_o . Btw, the mrt was FWEAKING shaky. And may shake like as if she got possessed and she pushed until one indian lady , muhahaha . Dam FUNNY! :P . Den wait bus like soooo long. Tsktsk , mayb hillgrovian thr oso . Almost late . Reach at 8 . Den 5 mre mins , rush in sch.:P. Den sit at th floor. Saw alot ants, FTW. >< . LOL. Den th teachers check hair , ask me pin up , wthh . Blahblah . Den go back class. Tcher giv out forms . Den orientation . Walked arnd th sch . Nice friendly prefects thr. o_o . Den went hall , sit dwn , listen to talks .. D:. Den recess . Aft recess , talk more. 2h30mins of talk . We got owned. >,< . Ahahas , den back class , lunch . Orientation CCA . Bored . Playplay. Dismissal at 5 . Reached hm arnd 6 . >_> . Bathed , dinner . :P . Den sign form , tv , comp :P. Gona slp soon . DAMN tired. ><. Tmr not meetin alr. Too early. >< . Kkays , gtg . bye .

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hellos.Today woke up 1plus. Last day to wake up late ! XD. Den bathe , went out . Bought uniform . Ermm , den mom brought me to take th bus to go home and go sch . Tsktsk . Bukitbatok is reallllly sooo big. >< . Um, den went lot 1 . Bought sch shoes , stationaries , adidas watch . Den ate dinner . Den walkedwalked . Took bus home. Packed bag, packed books . Den bathe , tv , comp . XD. Tmr schooool?! Omg. Meeeting may in th morning.But then now, call , OFF PHONE . WTF ?! May escaping? XD . Mayb sleeping . Kkays, gtg sleep too. Must slp early . XD . Bye !

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tsktsk. You lowlife .

Hello. :) was freaking angry just now . Some lowlife idiots used my iPhone without permission and then see my things. Tsktsk. I need privacy eh . Tmd ! On car now . Using iPhone to type this . :/ going shopping . Yesterday went movie with mummy and Sis . Watched th 11.20pm d . Watch till 1am . Den driver come drive us home . Comp , text , tv till 6am den slp . \m/ . Haha. School starting . 3 more days . Wth. I'm totally not prepared . Argh. Meeting may in the morning . Kay , gtg . Bye ^^