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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hellos.Today woke up arnd 6.15am. Den prepare for sch. Went yewtee to meet May at 7.15 . Den waited with Jody for Yvette they all . Den alr 7.30 , so we go first . Den reach th bukit batok interchange at arnd 7.45. o_o . Btw, the mrt was FWEAKING shaky. And may shake like as if she got possessed and she pushed until one indian lady , muhahaha . Dam FUNNY! :P . Den wait bus like soooo long. Tsktsk , mayb hillgrovian thr oso . Almost late . Reach at 8 . Den 5 mre mins , rush in sch.:P. Den sit at th floor. Saw alot ants, FTW. >< . LOL. Den th teachers check hair , ask me pin up , wthh . Blahblah . Den go back class. Tcher giv out forms . Den orientation . Walked arnd th sch . Nice friendly prefects thr. o_o . Den went hall , sit dwn , listen to talks .. D:. Den recess . Aft recess , talk more. 2h30mins of talk . We got owned. >,< . Ahahas , den back class , lunch . Orientation CCA . Bored . Playplay. Dismissal at 5 . Reached hm arnd 6 . >_> . Bathed , dinner . :P . Den sign form , tv , comp :P. Gona slp soon . DAMN tired. ><. Tmr not meetin alr. Too early. >< . Kkays , gtg . bye .

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