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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Err,hellos!(: . Today had sch. Monday again! Woke up 6. Prepare for sch . Reached sch arnd 7.05 . Den met Dewi , Fad at th pianoo at th canteen thr . Chitchat for awhile , den back class . Pledge taking , etc . Den went back class . Had mother tongue . Everyone's file is yellow except mine is purple . But th teacher said purple oso can . D: So i go buy loh . Den maths lesson .
B-O-R-I-N-G . (: . Hahahas . Den , EL , den recess (; . Aft tht , Music . Went mac room . (: . All mac comps thr . Didnt get to use , MUHAHA. Lol . Aft tht got science , almost fell asleep. Tsktsk. Tmr got experiment ! Yayyyy ~ Den . PE lesssoon . Quite okay. Tiring. D:. Next week swimming -___- . Wth siool . Nvm , den dismissal . Meet up dewi , jody , may and fad . Went yewhtee tgt. Den went mac to meet Alice , Nicole with Dewi and Jody . <: . Had fun . Ate lunch and did homework . Den laughed like crazeh . Den went home (: . Bathe , text , Homework , comp :D . Okie , done posting. Bye (:

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