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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hellos. Today woke 6. Prepare for sch. Reached sch 7.20. Late. Jams all th way on th road. -.-. Den went class , so embarrased. Lessons all th way till 12.45pm . Den lunchhh , ice milo for lunch :) . Den changed , played , chat. Den gathered at 2.15 . Went up hall . CCA Orientation . Tsk. Last day to see th SCS. Luckily they got Fb ? :P. Den go back class arnd 5 . Did cheerings. Alot random peepol come in . I was stunned when i saw Jobina grabbing a guy and trying to , Kiss ? O_O . LOL. Den put our bags at sec 2's class rm . Went dinner. Ate chicken rice , provided. it sucks. Ummmm , den walked arnd , went toilet. Campfires , fun . :D. 1E2,1E2! ;D.
We shouted like as if we gona get killed . But didnt win. Sigh.. Wasted the SC's time to teach us these cheers ? ): . Ummm , den went home . Bathe , text . I think Jobina thinks that im a weirdo or lesb or pervert . I was jst askin her random questions cos i was BORED. And, she didnt reply. Mayb she's finding me weird ? Crazy ? Umm , im just curious. Well, she took me as a stranger, she didnt know who i am . >.> . Lol. Nvm, den tv , comp . Okie , 12.30am alr, gtg. Night :))

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