About Me

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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heyoo peepo. Woke at 9 . Den text Jody. She said she watching Doraemon. So i on tv , den watch oso lor . :P . Dont laugh hor. I know, childish..Just finished my homework, hahas. So, on comp. Actually wanna go swim der, but den sis duwan , den i oso felt lazy. And somemore raining.:P. Hehehe. Ltr gona go swimmingcomplex to buy th swimming costumes..Urgh.I donwant to go swimming. )):. Uh, tonight going lot 1 k :D. Texting , facebookinq now ((: Uhmmmm , nothing much happened. Ytd went shopping and den ate dinner near mom's workplace. Errr, tmrw gona see her again :D. Weeee , okays . Gtg . XD

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