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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

HEYTHERE. :D. Sorry for not updating past few days. Too busy wit sch work . :/. Tons of homework . Haiish . But done alr. (: . Den had CIP on thur. Blahblah , walked whole sch do nothing. Ummm, den nothing really happened . Yesterday's band seriously , more like choir. We perfect th sound thingy . Next week can choose instrument , weeeee ! (: Ahaha . Must get sis to teach me th saxaphhhhone ;). Ehk , den tcher say i vandalize table whn i never . -'- . Heck care ah . Den nothing happened lor. Got new bed and sofaaaa. Next wed CNY celeb , can wear home clothes to sch . But no shorts. What fuck sia. :B. Den wear jeans suua . Gtg , bye.

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