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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hellos.Today kinda , shocked. Alot things happened. Woke up, den same. Meet them, den walked to sch. Den lessons.. Nothing much during schtime. Errrr, geo lesson almosts sleep. Alr closed eye sia. LOL. Den dismissal. Dewi said , she got scolded by Jobina. Whatever uh. Den textext Jobina. Asked her. In the end, argue. Now no fren.LOL. Sua lor. No fren , no fren. She so evil oso . Den went yewt . Meet Yuzhen , Laila , Carin , Shakira , Alice , Nicole , KeAn , Etc. Forget lo. Sorry. Den talked, den went lot1 collect cake for Vanesse's mom. Den went stagmont. Met Ummairah , Azura , Nicholas , Hira and those bballs . Den wanna go in KPS. Security dont allow, sua. Called Mr ANG. Cant go. WTH. Den sua. Go play block catching. in the end , neverplay. Walked whole 766. LO. Den saw Mdm tay and Mdm ong :). Nicholas go shout. Den just said hi , err , den went home. Homework , tv, fb :). Hehehe. Den something happened sia. Danielle's parents go tell th sch , den 1E1 teacher called Yvette , Nichelle . Den Danielle's mom go call Yuzhen , while th mom is crying. WTH. Crocodile tears ? (: . Den also called Nicole. Only me no tio. MUHAHAH ;P. Ohk lah , whatever . Gtg (:

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