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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

left alone.

supppppppo. today was elearning. it shucks except the part where i dont have to wake at 5 and prepare for school heh and yeah its at home so freedom. so woke at 8, just on time for elearning, not too late neither early. so brushed up and yeap, on lappy and started work. chionged sci and maths. like obviously duh i anyhow do la HAHA and all scored v low. hohoho. then when break time, bathed and may came. rotted on fb and twitter while waiting for geog and mt assignment to come out at 12 plus huh. then zhen came over , laughed like crazeee then yeah left. and now yknw imma blogging. too bored. hmmmmm so gota go soon. meeting rachel, fayee, jody for lunch i guess. so yeah. andandand tmw gort schooool hais. D:  but yeah eoy coming, cannot pon uhuh. and yeah settling stuffs with gillian tmw hehhehehe, got show to watch alr LOL. ok so bad. :x and next tue is geog paper. k thfug imma not prepared at all. anw ending here bai.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

shawty with you under the mistletoe.

yippieyawwwwwww. yesterday as usual, morning routine. Survived through lessons and yeah i slept during geog and mr lee didnt realise a shit, like a cool only heh. andand, gotten back maths test, 22/40. yay i passed it? unbelievable or whut! HAHA. then geo test 10/20. just pass. lucky much hahahah. So yeah, settled that hh stuff during lunch. Then may pangseh me go detention and yesh guess whut, i had to go maths supp. hais. did dono whut test and gone through papers. like a boring only. eyes alrd half close while typing this heh. hmmm. then ended at almost 5 wtf ms toh ah ms toh, always love to keep us back -.-Then may pangseh me go with chester then yeah went frolic with gillian.... errr yeah no mistake, gillian. we talked alot, and she said she was naturally cuteee? then she asked me to go and like her photos and status, i meant like LOL? buey hiao bai uh. then she said whut she thinks that she's more famous then hh , i mean like wtf who cares? -.- then whut keep gossiping bout may, jody and vk like okay? she's purely dumb and she thought i would kept it as a secret within me and her. like please uh, they my clique members and in addition , im closer to them than you uh. then also say whut jer step one fierce? the fuck? Then kp about ashlyn, amanda? LOL? Aiya. You perfect la k. Wtf. Then homed at 7. Then today gave school a miss. Went doct at 11 plus. Then homed. Revised geog for the whole day. Yeah, productive day. :D hehehhee, nothing much now. Tmr elearning, it gotta be awesome as we all dont have to wake at 5 to prepare for schl hehhek gtg bye.

Monday, September 26, 2011

ohey y'all. so yeah. today as usual. went to school. it was like raining quite heavily at arnd 5plus. then 6 plus jiu drizzle then stop alr. sian can. -__-. hmmmm, so yeaah. went to schl with jer & rachel as usual. :). survived through DNT heckyeah. then had 1 period of freaking english. sitting with jon = suffer nia. keep kpkpkp. sian. hmm then recess, bl ask me to settle that thing with him. jer say best settle aft school. k can. told him aft schl, he kp, shout with javier they all. k fuck care. then settled stuffs with shirlin, boonyong and two of them. settle alr. want settle w hh. then haven strt settling, need assemble. didnt assemble. kena caught. aft schl, detention. knn. k then aft schl say hao want settle with bl, he fuckcare. say if hh talk to me then he would. k can. head for detention den went for gongcha with rabbit & jody. then went yt to slack. okay, slack le. bl call. kp say want me apologize. so its like unreasonable right, cos i neh say him dog. so yea, sort of stuffs. end up he say he duwan chup in this anymore, taiji sua. sua lor. this is freaking truth and yes, if you are reading this and youre freaking thinking that yeah, i posted this and u wanna tell bl, fine. but its freaking truth and I DIDNT SHOOT ANYTHING about him. so yeaa, no use telling him huh. k then went rabbit's house for like 30 mins. charged mah phone dere. hohoho. xD. Then listened to paramore song & headed home. had a short conference w vanessa, rabbit & jody just nowwwww. all of us is busy now, so yeah. 8pm, conference. :D. Hehehehe, k thats all for nowww. tmr gona settle with hh. please la, settle stuff settle properly. dont talk like wtf. make ppl dulan nia. so yeah, waiting for tmr. :) peace yaw people. anw. aft all these happen , i know who were my true friends & who were there for me alr. thanks peepol. :D chaos.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

oheyya peeps. hmmm. today is alr 25. 8 more freaking days to EOY? the fuck. haven't even revise. too slackyyyyyy. ._. hmm so yeah anw today's Vanessa bday. happybirthday baobei! (Y) haha. hmm then just now quarreled with bl, by & Tricia, anson, jer all siding me. roflmao. he say tmr talk. skali tmr anyhow punch. tsk. ungentlemen k. hmm. so yeah, later going for Johnny English ! (Y) gahahaha. hope tomorrow will be fine & I wanna concentrate on EOY. yeahh, gtg BAI. :D

Friday, September 23, 2011

ohai. tgif. yesh. today gt maths test. anyhow do. then history test postpon to next fri. k then aft school went cck w jody, may. slacked all arnd. then went library. kp ppl. now use status shoot me. lame. yeah so? i guaikia , you how? jealous sibo. u "ahlian" so what ? top 10 in class tell me in ahlian? ok lor. xD hahaha. k thn yesh, another case of this agn. knn. heckcare alr la hor -.- shoot thn shoot lo. talk like im th only 1 t kp u liddt. ==. alot ppl hate me ? like everyone likes u liddat? u go ask arnd la . hw many ppl like u? yea, all th bois u flirt w nia. -.-. tsk. k chaos ppl. lazy post bout these shit.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Heyy'all. in just a blink of eye its alr like wed? wtf k. then yeah, 13 more days to eoy k. sian. stress max. no time to revise, got time to use comp. ahaha. k, then hmm, today schl ended at 2pm fuck that laoaunty kp so much wts about what elearning. -__-. ohyea, next thur e-learning stay @ home. need strt at 8.15 and ends at 230. naise right. cannot wake up late. sianmax. k then. hmm, today had lunch @ kfc with rabbit. then yeah, the fries is like longer than her middle finger k can lame lolol. hmm then homed at around 330. rotrotrot, then did homeworks. guai right? heh. anw, this morning darn fvck up. the whole bus horned + stopped cos i didnt see that the bus was coming & thus i just cross. ahaha. then the bus driver face damn epic. i bet those passengers in the bus cfm all fly high high then blame me one. heckcareyeah. \m/ gahahaha. k can then hope tmw rainrainrain k. sci supp tmr. maybe i'll be goingg. <: kchaos.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

ohey. sunday alr holyfuck. i dont wanna go school. -.- its like fucking sian. zz. and test test tests. tue geo test, wed lit test, fri maths & history test. hais. so many test. dont even have time to revise for eoy eh. knn. zz. then yea, next week onwards cca stand down. woohoo. xD. hmmm, den nothing much uh. tonight gona go lot 1 again. watching smurf. yeah. xD. and he's at jb now probably, yea. okay can, gtg. chaos.

Friday, September 16, 2011

"I think im ugly, and nobody wants to love me, just like her i wanna be pretty, i wanna be pretty. Dont lie to my face, becaus i know im ugly." Ugly 2E1. (Y)

 harlo. TGIF. finally. a week has past like in just a blink of eyes andand EOY is just in 17 days @#$%^&. 2 weeks plus nia. shitasszxc. ): hmm. then yesterday nth much. stayed back in class wit bunny, junjie, tc, vanessa, mh, chongjun, iqbal, jon, fadz, iman. den arnd 3 plus a few left for home/cca den only left w me, vanessa, bun, jj & chongjun. did our homeworks den bunny go lock us in the class for quite sometime. -_-. k, then went hm w them arnd 5plus. then hmmm. today skipped cca again. then aft that went for meetings and stuff den straight home. guai hor. yea, then next week thur e-learning. no school aye. (Y). yeap. so nth much to talk about alr. goooooodbai.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ohey. Finally im free to update again. Hmm. School reopened. It was fine just that tons of homeworks are coming up and i'll have never ending homeworks like everyday. Especially maths. :/ umm. so yeah, yesterday aft school had lit supp den went slacking with Brenda and Tricia at mac. Was talking about academics till around 5plus then went home. yeah, then today aft school had fieldtrip. went to bukit timah nature reserve. was kinda fun luh. but it was quite tiring. umm. huiting was like friggin pissed off then cos the instructor, arun, called her 'teckleong gf'. lol seriously then called me banlee's gf. like fuck la. -.- hmmm, den alot of topless guy with shrink fats were like walking all around there. like wthhhhhhhh. -_- heh. so back to school arnd 5. then slack w tricia for like 20mins and went home. guaikia eh?! heh. ohyeah, today got back the result slip. was like quite satisfied with my results uh. 14th in class. 2 A1 and 1 A2. then failed maths. :/ uhm, gota work harderrr. but yeaaa, failed by 3 marks. still can pull up my socks. then el 1 more marks jiu A2 le. :( sure disappoint ms lee. hais. yea, so haven showed mom my result. hope she'll be satisfied and not scold me too. hais. at least i improved from 30th, become 19th and now 14th. aiming for 10th or below for eoy. jiayous eh shermaine. :) heh. so yea, gtg. tmrw band. gona pon agn. chaos.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

ohai humans. it's alrd fvcking Sunday and I have not finished my homework yaw. Hmm yeah,slacked the whole day again. Yesh, ytd finised reading sing to the dawn. like finally. And also I did the online homework. :P Hmm, schl's tmrw, that means Eoy coming. Gahh, I havent even started revising! >< Dont even have time for holiday homework yeah! D: Yeah, so just now went Cwp with sis. shopped around and had dinner at LJS. Then went home. Like fucked up seriously. Didn't pick up my parents call and kena kpkb. like diam la can ?! _|_ zzz. k nth much, gona end this & gtg. night!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heyaw peoples. As usual, went to schl for supp today. Had much fun during supp due to jokes from minhui and junhao. Hmm, then aft tt went mac with tricia, may and minhui. Had damn loads of fun. Brought fries and we poured together and had a pile of fries and nuggets. HAHAHA. Then we laughed at every single thing, action and it was like hilarious and the whole mac was looking at us, including nigel, taking us as insane humans. We laughed for a total of like 20 minutes without stopping. And yes, minhui made me laugh while drinking water and i choked, hellfvckingfunny. Hahahah, i dont blame her yaw. :). Den may choked onto her macwings if im not wrong, hahahaha, wokaywokay, den at arnd 2 we went home. Took mrt with tricia and yeah, still laughing. Hahaha. Hmmm. Tmr is last day of holiday. Homeworks all untouched. Fuck yea. Heck care lar. Anw, ytd night, was the best best night. (Y). Owned a frigging cute meimei y`know. Hahaha. She tell me what, bigger people bigger brain, small people smaller brain, so memory limited. LIKE FUCK YEAH. Her science got 10 marks still dare teach me science. Somemore failed science, hahahhah seriously retarded sia ! then then kena owned alr say byebye, best is that tricia owned her damn badly, called her SHORT. and she bwg. hahahahah fail. still dont dare come out talk somemore, fking keyboardwarrior. 146cm, kekekek , okayy. gtg bye. (Y).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Harlo peoples out there who is still breathing . :D Hmmmm, yeahhh whaddup. Nothing much today. Had maths supp. So went t school around 8.15 with May. Yeah, so slacked till 9am at th canteen with minhui and may, blasting songs and copying homework yeaaaah. Heh. So yeah, actually supp ends at 12. But cher need bring people go out schl or shit , so ended at 11pm. Then slacked at canteen until 12.30pm w my two babies, minhui and may and then may went off alr. :( . Me and minhui chionged homework until 1, then after that went to the study corner t kinda 'emo'. Talking bout past, yeah really sad. Yeap. So chatchat until 2 plus den went home. I so guai right hahah. Tmr going another day of maths supp then gona stayback agn , weee. wokkaaay. its already wed. shitasszxc. didnt even do my hmwrk and holiday's coming to an end? fvck kay. so yeaa, nothing much up. gtg ciao.

Monday, September 5, 2011

hohoho. effyeah.

Heck yeah peepol. Today didn't manage to follow and try achieving my goal, but yeah. tomorrow. I will. hmmm. today was kinda busy. actually planned to go out with friends or else is to complete my homework, but yeah. End up went out to Kbox with mum. Went to the woodlands one. Hmmm. then aft that, we went to Cwp and had dinner Ate at mahata fish market. Idk how spell. o-o. yeah, so aft that trained back to yt. bought my contact lens and went home. It's tue tmr alr. Have not even started on maths homework. Shit. Dead. Wed need hand in. Gosh. Gona chiong tmr. K, end this naw. bye. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Harlo people. Im bored so yeah, back here blogging. Hmmmm. I literally rotted at home today. Did nothing at all. Was twitting and facebooking the whole day. I know, its a waste of time, but im just too lazy and moodless to even start on my homework. But yeah, i started on abit. Too lazy to even do those open-ended, yeap. So its blank. :D hohoho. Tomorrow's monday already. Starting of the sept holiday. Im worried. Really worried. I dont want to holidays to end fast. Im tired of school. Seriously tired. Frigging stressed up, worried. I worried about firstly, band, secondly EOY and thirdly homework. Yeap, band doesnt allow me to quit and wants my parent to go and see the vp. Hmmm, i dont think mom would really go to school to see vp. And yes, i dont wish to go back band. Best is no cca luh. Hais. Secondly, eoy. Holiday end = Eoy soon. Tsk. I scared my grades will drop. I havent been studying well these days. Wasnt even paying attention in class at all. And i failed like all the lit and maths test. I hope i wouldnt fail them as on major exam. Yeap. Thirdly, homeworks. I havent been doing my homework well lately. I have been copying all around. This isnt good, shermaine. You aint gona learn anything. hoho. okay, so yeah. i dont plan to do homework yet. tsktsk. and wed & thur have to go back school. hais. life sucks. im worrying, worrying and still worrying. :(. wokkay. ive decided something. i will start achieving my goal from today onwards thank to pohminhui. She's always there to give me advice and stuffs, i really love her. She's a good friend y'know. She never fails to motivate me. Yes, although she is somehow sensitive and screwed and she'll be fucking here and there, but she never fails to cheer me up. She's the best of the best. I hope she'll be there for me forever. Yes, i duwan to lose her. (Y). Okay, gtg. byes.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Im a girl, i push doors that clearly say PULL. I laugh harder when i try to explain why im laughing. I walk into a room and forget why i was there. I count on my fingers in maths class. I try to accomplish things with time still on the microwave. I wish for Love every 11:11. I lie sometimes to hide the pain. I say its a long story when its really not. I fall in love too hard, too fast. All i want is to kiss you in the rain. Yes, im a girl."
Hai peoples. I've literally nothing to do, except homeworks which idgaf, so im here blogging, twitting and facebooking. "Jingle bells, Facebook smells, Tumblr go away. Myspace yucks, Bebo sucks.. Twitter all the way !!" found this on twitter hahahha, ok bo liao. -.- hmm parents didnt find out my piercing. Hope they wouldnt know forever. Hoho. And hmm , i dont think i'll even enjoy my holiday seriously. Have to go back school for two fucking days and tons of homework. Wts sia. Okay forget it. Watching #onthefringe now !! It is awesome (Y) hhahhaah. going out later. gtg , bye. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh hai peoples. Today was extremely fun. Went out with jody t cwp. Den went we reached cwp, jody was like 'Shermaine, wheres my phone..? Did u took it?' and i was like 'huh, chillchill. no?' lolol. and she was like damn worried and awkward , lool. den she said she left it in the toilet at ytp & she duwan go back take, lolol. den we done our second piercing. (Y). It looks awesome ttm and also pain ttm. LOL and jody was like grabbing my hand ? hahahaha. then we trained down to lot 1. went for neoprint. you look on top and you'll see k. and the second pic, the awcw. is obviously anson wong. lolol. jody ah jody.. tsk. okok change topic.
hmmmm. then we slacked awhile and we trained down to yewtee to have our dinner at mac. :) slacked until 7.20 plus when my phone went dead and we went home. hoho. had so much fun today. :P and ive started enjoying the holidays without even start on my homework. i know im awesome,  hahahaha. lets end this yo. :D bye.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

ohai. today had the aces day exercise which was like damn funny can. Ms toh and ms lee don't know how t dance.Den people shuffling, mdm chia at there marching. retarded. hahahahahha. and the funniest thing was that mr nuf was like acting like a 5 year old kid.Den he damn hyper hahahahha, Ji cute yi xia! Den had concert den went back class t 'party' o-o.Sian ttm.Ended at 11. Gave ms lee the card & she was like smiling so sweetly. After that walked t batok with vanessa and tricia den behind got a group of dogs barking. -.- then after that met may and yvette. went to jp with them t meet tabby, busyra, vanesse, alice & nicole. den we made a cake for teachers day aft that went back kps. Was like so the memorable cannnn! Step in the school and all those memories came running back; (Y) . Then saw like alotalotalot of awesome peepol & hugged every single one. hahahha. k then met ms go, mdm liaw and others. hoho. then went slack awhile w nicole they all den went home. anw, now's sept holiday. (Y)(Y)(Y) but 7 sept still have to go back. lameshit. and mountainous of homewrks t be done. -'- k, ending this. bai.