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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halo.Went lot 1.Went there to eat.Ate at sakae sushi.Hmmm,i bought a beachball for tuesday, maybe playing at th pasir beach thingy.XD.I know very childish,hahas.But really nothing to play alr.No badminton,no playing sands.Heehee,we maybe play beachball or rent bikes.XD.Bahaha.Cant wait for tuesday and GTP!:D.Woohoo.So much events coming up.And tmr gona knoe who shortlisted for the science fiesta!I knoe, we wont be shortlisted,roarrr.Saddening.DD:.Hmm,nbm.At least we donid do, can slackslack,HAHA.XD Lols.I cant wait for tmr!There will be games for us, str8 after pledge taking in the morning!Yayyyyys!XD.Ommmg,School just rock aft PSLE!=D.Okiie , gtg!Nitey!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday- 291010.

Hmmm,went JP for show with Danielle,Yvette,Nichelle.Had fun.Watched 'You Again'.Hahas.Kinda nice movie.XD.Comedy.Den went home at like almost 8.XD.755.My first time,HAHAS.Den nothing much,facebook.Boring night.

Sat - 301010 .

Another busy day!Went lots of places.Afternoon went to Tiong Bahru Plaza with sis. Ate e18ghteen chef with sis. The last last time we eat was like give so less niaa.Den now so many.We eat like left so many den throw . Ahaaa.Cous gona explode, yeah,our stomacheee.XD.Den went arcade,so funnn.Play someting like catch fishhie..Spended like $37 on arcade and $30 on food.So its like $67,partially all wasted,MUHAHA.Den came home at 7.30,mom oso home from extra work le . Den we went JP together.Bought clothes and things for GTP.Hmmm,hiphop its like act gangster rightt.LOL.XD.Den buybuybuy,walkwalk,like 11pm,den headed home.Den bath,tv,facebook.Now typing this.Heheeee.Okie , gtg. Niteyy!(:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Harlo.Came back from school 2 hours ago.XD.Hmmm,so boring in school.I would rather absent mahself!):.Stupiak Mrs Chin!Roarrr.She said no card games,no board games.Haiish,if MrWong is here,i think we still can play,XD.No card,board games.Den play whadd?TruthOrDare!:D.Muhaha.But still boring.I wanna play UNO.XD.Nevermind.Next Mon got EL thingy, we can play games,XD.Den Tue go Pasir Ris Beach!XDD.After litter picking can play!Woot.Sands,(L).Muhah.I wanna play badminton there.But den Mrs Hanna said cannot.Awwww,Freaks!Uh.Nevermind.Bring UNO there.Muhaha.Okies,gtg.ByeX3

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Arlo.:D.Finally, charger repaired.Laptop ish alive again!Wakaka!XD.Thnks dad!:DD.Playing MS now.Miss it.XD,and facebook.Didnt go school today and ytd.Sick.Feverr.Went doct ytd night,got 3 days MC.But going to sch tmw.Cous its miss go's bdae.I forget,i think is tmr if not today.LOLS.XD.Okae..Gtg,bye,LOL.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ello.So tiredd.Went little indiaaa. The stupid field trip. We walked and walked, until 11pm den have break. Wtheck. Other classes can do the henna. But we don't have. Then, we are the ONLY class that walked till mustafa. Lols. Den we must walk back to the starting point, some where called tekka food centre. LOL. Den wen bak sch at 12. Went class talk till 1 den can go home.xD. Hahas. Sick-.-. Sorethroat andd running nose. Roarr. Dono if tmw can go sch nott.:(( hmmm, gtg. Typin this using itouch.:))

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yoooo.XD.Using mom's lappy.The other one cant charge.Charger prob.I never tell them.Muhaha.If not sure get scolding.LOLS.Lack of updates,sryy.XD.Lazy and busy.Lols.Tonight going outtouttoutt.To lot 1.Hehes.Goin to shop for grad tp things..But its like, i still got no idea what to wearrr!>.<.Arghh.Will jeans,shirt,sneakers do?Lols.Whadevaa.Not playing MS cous this lappy don habb,T.T,GTG!Byebye.xD

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Heylo.;).Exhausted leh.Just came back from Stagmont.Went badminton with Jody,Danielle,Yvette.Laughin like idiots.>.<.Hahahas,every single time when im out with them, im sure to be laughing,LIKE MAD. :D.Ohk,bored.AGAIN,BORED.Lawl.Tml dono if going out not..hehe :)).Gtg,byee.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Heyyy.:D.Fun day..Woke up at 11pm.Bath,eat.Den facebook awhile.Den 1.35pm, went down block wait for Hazirahh,:D.Den waitwait, until 2PM, HAZIRAH HAS NOT APPEARED.Wthheck.Den bored,went up.Danielle called me,den went YewTee to find dem^^..Saw Lee Kuan Yew(iLee) & Hadijah at NTUC.Den Haz went in,talktalktalk!Bought KFC with Danielle while Haz buy LJS ..Den went to Danielle's house =D.Watched movie,while eating. =D.Den Lee Kuan Yew n Hadijah came.Continue watching,den boring.Playplay.Pillow fight with iLee.We were laughing like hell,LOL.Tired of LAUGHING!Used up all my energy!Roarr!Den arnd 5+ went out walk :D.Had and Lee went home first.Den Haz and Danielle n me, went to Stagmont. Saw Mrs Chin, she dont recognize us =P.Den wnt to play grnd near 754..Hmm,chit-chat.Play UNO,take pic. HAHA :D.Den 6pm+ lerh..Haz went home . Danielle and me oso home .Walkwalk,chit-chat :D.Den home lor.Bath,eating dinner.=D.Kk,byebye~
Hellooo.=).Stayed up late today as tmw no school.Hahas.Its like, 4AM now.LOL.And im not sleeping.Watching vids,facebooking.LOL.No friends online,hahas.Tmw going Danielle's house with Hazirahh to watch movies,maybe it will be bored.Maybe not. =D.Hehe.Meet Hazirahh at my block at 1.35pm.And i have to wake up maybe 9am.And im still not sleeping yet at 4am,COOL..=D.Okay,gtgg.Nightt~~

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hye,XD.Bored.Didnt go school,hehe.Listening to music on my iTouch.Cant wait for my PSLE results,aww.Boring day.Tmr maybe going out with Danielle to nowhere.Hahas.She went badminton with Yuzhen,Jody .. etc.Bored.Facebook also boring.Scrolling up and down.Arghh.No school for tmr till next week monday due to PSLE marking.Boring week ahead.T_T.Kays,gtg.Bye.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hellos.So bored.Woke up at 11pm.Damn sleepy.Ytd sleep at 4am.Lols.Den eat instant noodle.Den bored.Check up iTouch.Nothing.Listening to musics, ignoring the world.Hahas.So emo.LOL.Facebooking, bloggin,bored.Chatting.Finding songs,anyone ?! D:. Mom said ltr wanna go KBox.Like so bored thr.Dont have songs i like . But im gona sing my heart out, no matter whad.LOL.Okaes, gtg. Byess.
Heya peeps.(:.Today was funnn.Went wheelock with mom and sis at arnd 5pm.Den reached at 6pm.(:.Den went EpicCentre <-- Where the iTouch/Apple things repair shop.Den collect iTouch.While waiting,played with the iPhone 4 there.Spamming people with messages and calling people. Yeap,unknown peeps.;D.Hhaas,den went eat cakes at level 1. Den dad came,fetch us, go PP . Den buy a shirt,hmmm.Den went dinner.Ate porridge,cus kinda full.Den fetch aunt home den dad drove us.Den on th way,when reaching home,dad let sis drive, to train her,as she got her liscence alr.HAHA,grats.o-o.Den she drove. Arnd cck for 30mins.Hmmm,den went Mobile or aka Cheers.Bought things.Den drove again.Went like marsling,kps,sports complex.And load more.Drove like whole cck area.LOL.Den i so scared car accident,muhah . Okae,den home,fb + MS, now its 3am soon .GTG! :D Nighttt .

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hey peepo.:D.Didnt go school today.Bored at home,so called Danielle.Ask her go out.:D.Den went stagmont to play badminton.Fun yeah.With Laila oso.Den after awhile Ruqoyah came :D.Dn we went minimart buy drinks,hahas.Den went back,chit-chat,play.:D.You know what ? My slippers broke,yeah . Dk why. Den heck care first.Play swing,chitchat,till 6.30 :D.Den walked home, yeah, BAREFOOTED. Left th broken slipper at th drain thr,cuz alr spoil ,LOL.Den Danielle go take pic of me .. BAREFOOTED.Awww,shet!And now,she posted it on fb,cool.Lols.Okay,gtg,nightnightnight :D

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Boooooo.(:,School was fun.But one part,really sucks.Went dentist.-.-.Freaks.Got CALLED,not i wan okae.LOL.Den dono do whad to my teeth,den freaking florida smell in my mouth,SHITYOU!Den aft recess,replaced Yuzhen for Captain's Ball.Be th goalkeeper.At first was so nervous,no confident,den slowly confident built up.:DDDD.Then,you know what...6B2 GOT INTO SemiFinals!:DDDDD.Hahahas.Den bored,go back class,home.Got dono what science project,then can set-up store!Yayyy~Bleahs,goin lot 1 with Carin ltr to watch show, The Child's Eyes...:) It gona be SCARYYYYY~ Hahahahas.Den playing water,lols.Kk,busy,bye.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heyloooos.<:. Today was a fun-filled day!Went to stagmont to play badminton arnd 230pm with Keith,Yvette and Busyra.Den playplayplay,funfunfun,laugh,laugh,laugh.Den went minimart , bought drinks. Den i rushed home, they oso home(: Den home, changed pants, dont expect me to wear FBT to lot 1 , lols. Den went lot 1 , arcade with Carin.Saw Shaoying,Javier,Rafael,Yuichui , den forget le .. psps . Den after tht at 4++ went to Rooftop , saw iLee, Aqilah and Rosna . Den played water with them for like 15 minutes, uh. Den my whole body is WET. I didnt even bring clothes, lols. Den dont care, went arcade again . :DDD. Den playplay, till no $$ .. den 6.30 + go home . Walked to Carin's house with her as we eating ice cream ,den cannot take bus . Den on the th way saw Shareef. -.-" . Den shout "______" name to him . He was like so SHY , LOL . Den walked, to Limbang, stucked. Idk how go home .(: HAHAHA . Den took 302 bus. Reached Utee, den home (: Ghaha. Tmrw going school , got captain's ball dono whad. I go support Carin onli . LOL. Den got duno things about sec sch , blahblah .. Den tmrw gona watch The Child's Eye with Carin at 3.20pm . HAHAHA. Im making sure tht Carin Tey will be scared till , pee her pants, lols. Not so exaggerating, but I MYSELF oso scared. >.<>

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heyheyheyheyheyheyhey.(:. Just back from Yew Tee with mummy ! Went thr for dinner . Den bought a small baq, for FUN! :D . Yeahyeahs, i know, im so "RICH" yeah , LOLS. Den went back home , packing bag now . I dont knoe whad to bring to school tmrw so i just bring UNO cards and pencil box . :D Heckcare luh , PSLE over, playplay. (: Btw, i planning to throw all ws away ler. Anyone wanna "Pei" <-- Join , me ? :D Hahahas. Hope tmrw is a fun day, but i dont feel like going to school cuz of the "INTER-CLASS CAPTAIN'S BALL" . Hade it soooo much!): Awww, no choice. Haha . Tmrw afternoon going cycle with Keith ,(: Kkays, gtg , night. Muacks! LOL .

Muhahas, hey . (: Just came back from Wheelock. Went to thr to repair iTouch.In th end, changing a new one becous cannot fix.Thanks godness i got warranty,muhaas.So happy. (: Hmmmm, den went to eat cakes with aunt.Den went home, sat den go collect new iTouch cous need to wait for the new stocks.Muhaha.Okae,bored.Den went YewTee, aunt bought cakes at emi cuz its her bdae. (:. Den i follow, den home . (: Now facebooking, chatting with Danielle, kk . Byes.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bored.Random take.(:
Bleahhhhs.(:.Boredbored.Slacking while tmrw is the last paper,HMT(:.Hahs.Today's Science was seriously easy.Frankly speaking, the booklet was like,easy like sheet!Booklet B got 3-4 questions dono.But i think can get A or B.LOL.Whatever,PSLE is surely , seriously , easier than prelims,thats what i can say!:D.After tmrw, can forget studying,remember playing.:D.Muhah.Maybe going out with Danielle if not Augie, to nowhere :D Maybe mexico or France or America.LOL.Madme,hahas.I dont know.Going to revise HMT soon.Really soon.Yesh, tonight, not now.LOL.Okae,byes.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

LASTLY, MY ITOUCH IS OFFICIALLY SPOILED((((((: . Gona repair it aft PSLE, mayb tues.

- Escape Theme Park.
- Science Centre's Snow City ( Not really want, but if can :D)
- Rebond hair .
- Evryday playyy. :D
- Sentosa.
- Johore :D ( To stay thr )
- Batam ( To stay thr )

(s) SCIENCE (s)
Hoho,heyhey,its me again.(:.Just came back from YewTee.Hmm,went there to buy things at the night market, so call "Pasar Malam".Bleh.><.Den came home lor.Lols.I planning to buy iPhone 4 next year (: Yesh, i checked.The plan is only 30+ and the new plan + phone = $580(:.Hope dad buy for me.Yeah.Boredbored.Tmrw is science paper.For mostly, its THE LAST paper.For me,its not.):.Still got HMT.Aww,shit.I feel so unfair,lols.But if get merit, the aggregate add 2 marks.Distinction 3 marks.Its like so useless,lols.Anyway, gtg study.Goodluck everyone for Science ! :D

Friday, October 8, 2010

Boooo :D. New mixpod, skin :D. Not really satisfied with the skin.The font ish like super small.But i think u guys can see it right.Not BLIND?Lols.Joking:D.Today had MT paper 1 and 2. Its like , all the papers so EASYH! :D.Maybe i think so.Hmmmm.But mom's friend said the maths hard.I find it kinda easy.Especially the 5 marks questions.Hmmm.PSLE is coming to an end. 2 more papers to go. 4 more days.Finally, 50% of suffering is over.Luckily today is Friday, if not im gona die.Lols.I wonder,wonder,wonder! Next monday, the school, will be like, everyone just released from JAIL! Lols :D. Cant waitwait, to go outoutout with every single one of my friend.LOL.Okae, gtg revise science :) Bye

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Booo ! Second day of PSLE :D Enjoyed it. LOL. Yesterday's english was quite english. Hmmmm.Den maths still okay.But got confident can get 30+/60 for Paper 2 :D.Hopefully, can pass.Duh.LOL. Tomorrow is chinese paper :D. Currently revising.Workin super hard. Just to get 220 , maybe grade A A C B or whatever, can get in ;DDD. Hope so . ): Mr Tan said No D can get into Express, HAH . Hope so uh. Just wanna go unity :)).Choosing sec school is still long way ahead, focus on PSLE :D. Good luck for tomorrow's MT paper everyone ! :D . For me, 3 more papers to go ^_^ After tues can plae. Woooootz~Okae, gtg.Maybe wont update tomorow~ Buhbye~

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Boooooo . :D Just came back from YewTee :D. Went thr for dinner . :)). Bought 3 iPod cover, Purple,luminous greeeeeny andd pink ! :D . Changechange and useuse. LOL. 3 more days to PSLE, and yesh , 10 more days to freedom ! Wootz . Can do anything i wannnn ! I wanna a iPhone so badly ! ): I wanna i wannna! Im really working hard right now . Studying, revising. All i can do . Just to get 220 . So tht dad can get me an iPhone . :D God, help me oso . :(. SADDDD. T.T Chatted with Augie, blah . Bought new sch baq . Lols. Okae, gtg, bye . 11pm le. Tmr school . Muz wake up early. ):

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Heyyou ! Lack of updates . Busy with studies , revising :D. Teacher given 22 sets of worksheet , thats cool uh ? =). Lols. Doing some revision for maths and science. Haven even touch on chinese and el . But, dont need to worry so much . As im not really weak in chinese and el . Focus on maths and sci . :D. Currently my maths improving. :)))). Did a work given by tuition teacher , almost every questions noes how to do . :D . Den sci , still okae . Now, i love MA,EL,SCI,CHI :D. Muhaha . Aft PSLE , We'll be officially announced tht we have WON the competition for beating up the MA,EK,SCI,CHI . Lols. Madmadmad, hmmm . 3 more daes to PSLE :D 10 more days to RELAXXXXX . I bet, im going out every single dae ^.^ . Hmmmm . Yesterdae did a MASS study at lot 1 library ;x . Went thr arnd 10.15am with Carin . Den cuz haven open mah , den we went arcade seee see . Den 10.45am went down library . Peepo queuein up . Shocked sias. Den when opened, everyone rushed in >-< Den ate lunch at 1pm at KFC, den arcade,walk, study, home :DDD. Maybe tonight going out to studeh at lot 1 library or stay at home . Blahblah , gtg. Secretly used lappy. When boredm strikes, WHO CARES ! LOLOL . Gtg revise ~ Byebye!