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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heyloooos.<:. Today was a fun-filled day!Went to stagmont to play badminton arnd 230pm with Keith,Yvette and Busyra.Den playplayplay,funfunfun,laugh,laugh,laugh.Den went minimart , bought drinks. Den i rushed home, they oso home(: Den home, changed pants, dont expect me to wear FBT to lot 1 , lols. Den went lot 1 , arcade with Carin.Saw Shaoying,Javier,Rafael,Yuichui , den forget le .. psps . Den after tht at 4++ went to Rooftop , saw iLee, Aqilah and Rosna . Den played water with them for like 15 minutes, uh. Den my whole body is WET. I didnt even bring clothes, lols. Den dont care, went arcade again . :DDD. Den playplay, till no $$ .. den 6.30 + go home . Walked to Carin's house with her as we eating ice cream ,den cannot take bus . Den on the th way saw Shareef. -.-" . Den shout "______" name to him . He was like so SHY , LOL . Den walked, to Limbang, stucked. Idk how go home .(: HAHAHA . Den took 302 bus. Reached Utee, den home (: Ghaha. Tmrw going school , got captain's ball dono whad. I go support Carin onli . LOL. Den got duno things about sec sch , blahblah .. Den tmrw gona watch The Child's Eye with Carin at 3.20pm . HAHAHA. Im making sure tht Carin Tey will be scared till , pee her pants, lols. Not so exaggerating, but I MYSELF oso scared. >.<>

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