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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hoho,heyhey,its me again.(:.Just came back from YewTee.Hmm,went there to buy things at the night market, so call "Pasar Malam".Bleh.><.Den came home lor.Lols.I planning to buy iPhone 4 next year (: Yesh, i checked.The plan is only 30+ and the new plan + phone = $580(:.Hope dad buy for me.Yeah.Boredbored.Tmrw is science paper.For mostly, its THE LAST paper.For me,its not.):.Still got HMT.Aww,shit.I feel so unfair,lols.But if get merit, the aggregate add 2 marks.Distinction 3 marks.Its like so useless,lols.Anyway, gtg study.Goodluck everyone for Science ! :D

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