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Monday, October 11, 2010

Bleahhhhs.(:.Boredbored.Slacking while tmrw is the last paper,HMT(:.Hahs.Today's Science was seriously easy.Frankly speaking, the booklet was like,easy like sheet!Booklet B got 3-4 questions dono.But i think can get A or B.LOL.Whatever,PSLE is surely , seriously , easier than prelims,thats what i can say!:D.After tmrw, can forget studying,remember playing.:D.Muhah.Maybe going out with Danielle if not Augie, to nowhere :D Maybe mexico or France or America.LOL.Madme,hahas.I dont know.Going to revise HMT soon.Really soon.Yesh, tonight, not now.LOL.Okae,byes.

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